標題: 內嵌式光感測器之三維互動立體顯示器
3D Interactive Display with Embedded Optical Sensors
作者: 白宗緯
Pai, Tsung-Wei
Shieh, Han-Ping
關鍵字: 立體互動;內嵌式光感測器;3D interaction;Embedded optical sensors
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 近年來各顯示器廠商及各研究單位都在積極開發立體顯示器,期望能夠提供給人們一個更接近真實生活的視覺享受。然而,在既有的立體顯示器系統之下,如何達成人機的互動,也成為各家廠商與研究單位爭相開發的技術。既有的立體顯示器人機互動界面大多採用外加光學感測元件以達成互動機制,這個外加光學元件使得整體系統的體積增加。同時,若是採用電荷耦合元件(CCD)作為光學感測元件,則會因為收光角度的影響,使得在靠近面板附近的區域無法接收到影像,而導致無法互動。因此,如何達成互動機制且同時又不增加整體系統的體積將會是開發立體互動顯示器必須要克服的議題。本論文針對體積的議題提出一新式的系統架構,主要為在一具有內植光感測器的面板上,貼附上視差遮罩以達到立體顯示同時又具有互動的功能。由於光感測器是被植入在面板裡面,因此,靠近面板附近區域的影像能夠被接收到,進而使得人機互動的工作範圍能夠延伸至靠近面板的區域。 在貼有視差遮罩具有內植光感測器的2.83吋面板架構下,實際架設硬體所得到的可工作範圍在照光模式下為四公分,在擋光模式下為五公分。由於是針對小尺寸面板的應用來作設計,且現有的立體顯示深度資訊大約在五公分之內,因此,四公分的工作範圍在小尺寸的面板應用是足夠的。
In order to achieve more natural 3D sensory images from displays, many studies have been devoted to 3D display technology developments. Furthermore, 3D interaction based on existing 3D display structure is a popular research topic. Most existing 3D interactive displays are composed of a 3D display and extra sensing components which increase interactive system volume. When 3D interactive displays use a camera as the sensing component, 3D interactive displays do not work in the region near the panel because of a limited capturing angle. Therefore, 3D interaction without increasing system volume is an important issue. In this thesis, we propose a novel structure for 3D interactive displays. The 3D interactive display is designed by combining a panel with embedded optical sensors and barriers to display 3D images and produce 3D interaction simultaneously. By using an embedded optical sensors panel, the 3D interactive system can capture the image in the region near the panel. As a result, the interactive range is widened to the region near panel. In the experimental results, the interactive range was about 4cm in lighting mode and 5cm in blocking mode. These interactive ranges still can be applied to mobile applications whose depth information is within 5cm.


  1. 451501.pdf

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