標題: 換新就緒度及汰舊就緒度:消費者就緒度對於新產品購買意願與舊產品賣出意願的影響
Readiness to Accept and Readiness to Reject:How Consumer Readiness Affects Their New Product Buying Intention and Old Product Selling Intention
作者: 林佛諭
關鍵字: 新產品接受;舊產品處理;就緒度;new product adoption;old product disposition;readiness
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 由於科技的進步,新產品不斷地推出。有些新產品成功地被消費者接受,但有些新產品卻不是那麼成功。現有關於新產品採用的文獻大多將購買新產品與處理掉就產品視為同一件事,然而在現實生活中,接受新產品不一定代表著處理掉舊產品。在同一個產品類別中,同時擁有多個產品是有可能的。過去研究較少探討消費者在同一產品類別中擁有多個產品的背後原因,為了釐清過去未探討的部份,本研究提出新產品接受與舊產品處理應該被視為兩個維度。另外建立在就緒度的概念上,本研究認為應該存在兩種就緒度:換新就緒度以及汰舊就緒度,就緒鍍中介了前導因素對於行為意象的影響。分析結果驗證本研究的假設就緒度應該分成兩個維度。另外,本研究發現換新就緒度對於新產品得購買意象影響較大於汰舊就緒度的影響,汰舊就緒度對於舊產品的賣出意象影響較大於換新舊續度的影響。
As technology advances, companies keep introducing new products. However, some new products are successfully accepted by consumers but some do not. Extant literature of new product adoption mainly considers buying new product and disposing old product as one thing. In reality, accepting new product does not necessarily equivalent to rejecting old product. Multiple products ownership in a category is possible. Relatively little research examine the underlying mechanism for multiple product ownership. To clarify the missing part, we propose that new product adoption and old product disposition should be served as two separate constructs. Building on the theory of “readiness”, we believe that there exist two kinds of readiness: consumer readiness to accept new product (RA) and consumer readiness to reject old product (RR), which are positioned as the mediator between antecedents and consumers’ behavioral intention. Critical antecedents of new product buying intention (price fairness, subjective norm, innovativeness, discomfort, optimism, and insecurity) and old product disposition intention (residual value, emotional attachment, and status quo bias) are examined. The result supports our proposition that readiness should be classified into two perspectives. Furthermore, the result suggests that buying intention is significantly influenced by RA but RR. Selling intention is majorly affected by RR than RA. The mediation effect of RA and RR is also validated.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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