標題: 影響駕駛者搶越平交道之因素
Factors Affecting Drivers to Trespass the Grade Crossings
作者: 郭明仁
Kuo, Ming-Jen
Woo, T. Hugh
關鍵字: 鐵路平交道;駕駛行為;停等猶豫區;二元羅吉斯迴歸;grade crossing;driving behaviors;dilemma zone;logistic regression
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 本研究探討列車接近平交道,平交道保安設施開始啟動時,駕駛者自身因素與環境影響因素對駕駛者搶越平交道行為之影響,利用實地觀察的方式觀察駕駛者於平交道之搶越行為,於新竹市的農會前平交道以及桃園縣的永豐路、興仁路與國際路進行觀察與資料收集。後續使用敘述性統計來分析不同分類與分項下駕駛者搶越之比例,以及使用二元羅吉斯迴歸來分析哪些因素與駕駛者搶越平交道之行為有顯著之相關性,結果發現駕駛者之性別、年紀、駕駛車種、平交道號誌啟動時車輛行駛之速度以及當時距平交道前停止線之距離皆會顯著影響駕駛者搶越平交道之行為。所有顯著之影響因素中,唯有速度是能夠藉由執法或平交道設施等措施來影響,降低駕駛者行經平交道之行車速度,可以直接減少搶越平交道之比例,更可間接減少發生事故之機會。
When trains are approaching the grade crossings and the signals of grade crossing were activated, driver and environment factors will affect drivers to trespass the grade crossings. The purpose of the study is to analyze the relationship between drivers’ behaviors and the factors by observing the behaviors of trespassing at four grade crossings in Hsinchu and Taoyuan. The descriptive statistic analysis was used to analyze the proportions of trespassing in different categories, and logistic regression analysis was used to analyze which factors have the significant contribution. The results reveal that age and gender of driver, types of vehicles, approaching speed and the distance between vehicles and stopping line will affect the behaviors of trespassing significantly. Speed is the only factor that could be modified by regulations or grade crossing devices. Reducing speed of vehicles will reduce the chances of grade crossing trespassing directly, and it’s also capable to decrease the risk of accidents indirectly.
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