Title: 以台灣半導體產業成功營運模式探討我國矽晶太陽能電池產業未來營運策略
The Business Strategy of Silicon Solar Cell Industry Based on the Successful Business Model of Taiwan's Semiconductor Industry
Authors: 高薇婷
Kao, Wei-Ting
Keywords: 矽晶太陽能電池;太陽能光電產業;半導體產業;產業價值鏈;發展模式;SWOT分析;silicon solar cell;photoelectricity industry;semiconductor industry;industry value chain;business model;SWOT analysis
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 石油一直被認定是最重要的資源,其生成是透過人為或機器生產,它必需是蘊含在地面下數千公里,及耗費幾千萬年的時間才會形成的一項寶貴資源。然而,其蘊藏量有限,也稱為耗竭性資源或非再生能源。非再生能源,如:石油、媒、天然氣和鈾礦等,隨著人類不斷的開採、取用,地球上蘊含量已逐漸的減少,再加以先前高油價時代衝擊及對生態環境的威脅,再生能源的開發因應而生。 再生能源可分為:太陽能、風能、生質能、地熱能等。然而,太陽能是最理想的永續能源。近年來,太陽電池效率(包括太陽光電池)的提高,使得廣泛使用這種資源不再是夢想,如:將太陽能用在建築物上或暖氣、冷氣系統上,專家們認為在未來10年內,太陽能的運用會有很大的進展。現今低油價時代為新興能源產業帶來低原物料成本優勢,有利於企業布局及開發、應用。因此,我們有必要深入了解再生能源產業之未來發展趨勢、策略。 台灣在半導體領域擁有豐富的製造管理經驗,因此很容易轉進太陽能電池矽晶片的生產;在電池、模組方面,則可複製IT產業的生產經驗,具備降低成本能力。因此,本論文將以台灣發展有成之半導體產業為標竿,藉由鑽石模型、SWOT分析、企業價值鏈理論、產業生命周期理論、地區產業發展理論、關鍵成功因素等,探究台灣半導體產業發展過程中,政府推動政策、角色及產業營運模式為何。 經由兩產業的關連性分析,進而對台灣矽晶太陽能電池產業中,提出如何利用地區產業來發掘機會、避免威脅、增強優勢及補足弱勢,探討該產業應有的營運策略及模式為何。並藉由探討不同國家間能源政策的執行,來提出台灣政府在發展矽晶太陽能產業上,所應扮演的角色及相對應的策略為何。
The petroleum was recognized as the most important resources, its production is the penetration artificial or the machine production. However, its reserves are limited, also is called the non-regeneration energy. For example, the petroleum, the natural gas and the uranium mine and so on. Along with unlimited using, the quantity of the resources had already reduced. Because of the high price of oil and the bad impact on ecological environment, people payed more attention on new energy, which we also called the regeneration energy. The regeneration energy includes the solar energy, the wind energy, the geothermal energy and so on. However, the solar energy is most ideal energy. In recent years, people widely used solar energy because of the higher solar cell efficiency (including solar solar battery) . For example, using the solar energy on the building or the air conditioning system, the experts thought the solar energy utilization will have the biggest progress for the next ten years. Nowdays, industry can develop solar cell industry more easily because of the low material cost. The research basically adopts qualitative research methods to study the similarity and difference between the silicon solar industry and semiconductor industry through (energy) industry economy and policy, product (market development) life cycle, industry (business) value chain, diamond framework and industry cluster and so on. The successful deployment of solar cell industry in Japan and Germany are derived from their long-term, breakthrough policy and subsidy programs.This not only creates huge demand from end users but also enhances manufacturers to improve process, expand production capacity, research and develop new materials and processes. And it also encourages newcomers to enter into this industry. Although the solar cell industry policies and subsidy programs in Taiwan and China are not so good especially poor in Taiwan, a solar cell industry with a skyrocketed growth has still been able to be established. This is because Taiwan has a strong foundation and integrated clusters in semiconductor, TFT-LCD, recently developed LED and related information industries. Once a new industry opportunity and considerable market demand appears, firms still can establish a prosperous PV industry in spite of poor support from the government. And firms’ vision and mission to green energy industry and green reengineering also help the industry’s development. To keep current status and further advance to leading position, local solar cell industry should research new generation materials, vertical integration and they also should make their best endeavors to get fully support from Taiwan administration to the industry.
Appears in Collections:Thesis