標題: 小物建
Micro To Macro
作者: 李中成
Lee, Chung-Cheng
Chang, Chi-Yi
關鍵字: 小物建;fragment;fish eye;temporary;recycle;campus
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 在學習建築的過程裡,隨著從國外不同學校留學回來的老師的設計方法裡,了解在不同的角度下產生完全不同的設計思考方式。偶爾在不同的方式下也會產生疑問。但是每個人對建築不同的理念,也許就如同對宗教信仰般的堅固。我還在探索與尋找自己的信仰,在建築設計的思考過程裡,那些不顯著的,隱匿的,或是太平常而被人遺忘的事或物,卻是我很感興趣的方向。“小物建”的小,是指那些在我們已習慣的常態裡,不太理解的存在。從這樣的出發點去思考建築,往往最後所得到的結果都在預想外。在這樣並非安全控制下的設計過程裡,似乎能感受到出發點的小與完成的設計中,小與大的互動不是絕對的。
During the process of learning architecture, I find different design methods that different teachers brought from the world could lead us to completely varied unknown situation. However, people insist some kind of designing approach is as strong as some people believe in religion. I still search my direction of design. Some things that are not obviours, hidden and too common to be remembered are so interesting for me. From the micro of the usual to the macro of a building, there is still some linkage not so obsolute for me.


  1. 751301.pdf
  2. 751302.pdf
  3. 751303.pdf

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