標題: 國際行銷與國際學生招收策略:英國、澳洲、德國、日本之比較研究
International Marketing and International Student Recruiting Strategy:A Study of United Kingdom, Australia, Germany and Japan
作者: 楊岱穎
Yang, Dai-Ying
Tai, Hsiou-Hsia
關鍵字: 國際行銷;國際學生招收策略;高等教育;英國;澳洲;德國;日本;international marketing;international student recruiting strategy;higher education;United Kingdom;Australia;Germany;Japan
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 全球化的發展使大學不得不以國際化的方式回應之,並以「招收國際學生」為首要策略。然而,全球性的學術競爭卻使各大學再也不能單打獨鬥,必須藉助國家的力量,擬定國家層級的招生策略,才能事半功倍。因此,本研究透過文獻分析法及比較教育研究法,從國際行銷的觀點,了解並分析英國、澳洲、德國與日本的國際學生招收策略。 研究發現,四國均藉由完整的資訊分析,以訂定明確的政策目標,並重視政策執行的完整性及延續性。且由於相關政策的發展淵源流長,在策略的訂定與執行中,有其深厚基礎。此外,亦藉由國際行銷的策略工具(STP和7P),逐項分析四國國際學生之招收策略。最後,根據上述結論,針對台灣現況提出相關建議。
In response to the trend of globalization, universities can not but react to internationalization. Of all the internationalization approaches, recruiting international students is considered the most critical one. However, with the globally and highly academic competition, a state-level recruiting strategy is indispensable. Therefore, the core purpose of this study is to investigate how United Kingdom, Australia, Germany and Japan recruit international students and analyze it in perspective of international marketing. Methods adopted in this study are document analysis and comparative analysis. Results indicate that all the four countries set clear goals of their state-level policy posterior to a complete information analysis. Implementation of such policy is strongly focused on its interdepartmental integration and sustainability. In addition, strategic tools of international marketing, STP and 7Ps, are further used to scrutinize the elements of the strategy in each country. The implications of the results for Taiwan are discussed according to its status quo.


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