標題: 『尋與放』-一段找尋信任的自我敘說研究
Seeking and Letting Go: A Self-narration of Searching for Trust
作者: 李明佳
Li, Ming-Chia
Chen, Jyh-Jia
關鍵字: 自我敘說;生命故事;活在當下;自我認同;Self-narration;Life story;Living in the present;Self-identity
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 本論文為一位女研究生的生命敘說研究,由失衡矛盾、缺乏信任開始,到尋找自我、重拾信任與放下執著的蛻變過程。透過質性研究方法中的自我敘說探究法,以回溯的方式重新檢視自己的生命故事,並賦予過往生命新的詮釋與意義。從追尋生命課題「信任」中理解目前生命的形成原因後,接著處理信任的課題。從看見真相與接納自己中找尋失落的信任,於是終於能夠放下,並感受活在當下的真實快樂,迎接這份充滿愛與感謝的禮物。
The thesis is about a female graduate student who narrated her life story . In the beginning of the story, I lost balance in my mind, felt contradictory, and had a strong mistrust for anything. Finally, I found my true self, picked up trust and released persistence. This research is conducted by the qualitative method of narrative inquiry. Through the process of reviewing my life story, I could give the past a new interpretation and meaning. I understood the figure of my present life through searching the life issue "trust", and then dealt with the issue. After realized the truth, I accepted myself, and recovered my lost trust. In the end, I eventually let the past memories and persistence go, and felt the real happiness by living in the present. I greeted my thesis which was a present with love and gratitude.
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