Title: 結合即時公車與計程車資訊的旅遊路徑規劃系統
Combine Bus and Taxi information in A Web-based Trip Planning System
Authors: 藍信翔
Keywords: 路徑規劃;計程車;trip plan;taxi;google maps
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 由於Google Maps的熱門及智慧型手機的興起,人們普遍使用手機上網查詢旅遊資訊,為符合現代潮流,各大城市也相繼推出線上旅程規劃系統。常見的旅程規劃系統,能依使用者所輸入的起點及終點,透過電子地圖的介面來導引使用者搭乘大眾交通工具,並顯示各種可行路徑及各車站的預估抵達時間。有些系統更進一步顯示旅行路線與各站周圍的景點。然而旅行路線有許多不確定因素,如等待時間、步行距離等,一個完善的系統需考慮多種因素,讓使用者有更多選擇。大城市中計程車是一個普遍的交通工具,因此我們設計一套結合台北市公車與計程車的資訊規劃系統,讓使用者用手機來查詢。此系統以Google Maps為底圖,給定一個車資上限,能計算出旅程路線與預估旅程時間。由於台北市的公車密度相當高,簡單的路徑搜尋演算法會耗費較多系統資源。我們提出了改良的演算法,可以經過處理而省略一些公車站牌資訊,能有效降低資料處理數量。
With the popular usage of Google Maps and smart phones, more and more people use the smart phones to surfer and inquiry travel information. As a result, every major cities plan to push the existing online public transportation trip planning system going beyond traditional computer users to mobile phone users. The trip planning system bases on the start point and the end point that a user inputs, and guides the user to take bus or metro through an electronic map's interface. The system usually provides different kind of alternative travel routes with the estimate time of arrival. However the people who use the public transport system may encounter some uncertainties, such as long waiting time, long route, long walking distance, etc. In each big city, the taxi is a universal transport vehicle which is available almost anytime, anywhere. Taxis can save passengers’ walking distance and travel time with a deficit of high cost. Therefore, we design a trip plan system to unify the Taipei public transportation system with taxis. The users can inquire a travel route through the mobile phones. This system takes Google Maps as a base map. The users assign an upper limit of fare which the user is willing to pay. The system will balance between travel time and travel cost to obtain a route which may combine usage of the bus and the taxi. Because of high density of bus stations in Taipei city, the route search may consumes a lot of system resources. We propose an improvement method to eliminate some intermediate bus stations in route search processing. It can reduce the data processing time effectively.
Appears in Collections:Thesis