Title: 應用色帶式氣體偵測器研究化學品對高科技廠影響
The influence of chemical on high technical fab:A study use chemcassette gas detector
Authors: 何子淇
Ho, Tzu-Chi
Chen, Chun‐Sung
Keywords: 色帶式氣體偵測器;化學品;緊急應變;Gas detector;Chemical;Emergency Response
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 本論文研究主要以高科技廠常用26種化學品對色帶式氣體偵測器影響為對象,並加以分析哪些化學品對高科技廠影響最大,並建立緊急應變資訊系統,降低公司安全風險,亦具有高度參考價值。 高科技廠因製程技術演變複雜化,使用多種特殊氣體,而這些化學品具有毒性、腐蝕性、易燃性、氧化性及窒息性等本質危害之特性,為了維護廠內工作人員安全、環境保護及公司財產,避免及預防化學品的洩漏,故設置完善有效氣體偵測系統。 色帶式氣體偵測器為高科技廠普遍使用,此種氣體偵測器分別使用Hydrides、Mineral Acid、Ammonia、Chlorine及Fluorine等五種色紙帶來偵測多種特殊氣體,偵測器本身利用gas curve設定及色帶顏色變化,來進行氣體的定性及定量計算,但是氣體偵測器並非只對單一種化學品才會反應,也會對其他化學品產生反應,往往造成氣體偵測器產生濃度值反應,並非被監控化學品洩漏反而是其他化學品洩漏所造成的干擾,這種干擾會造成緊急應變第一時間無法做出正確判斷,嚴重影響緊急應變時間。 本研究結果發現49%HF對色帶式氣體偵測器影響最嚴重,必做好安全防護措施,降低風險。另外整合性化學品干擾表及緊急應變資訊系統建立,讓緊急應變中心人員在緊急狀況時,第一時間快速取得包含警報來源、事故發生地點、事故單位及危害因子等相關應變資訊,此過程不需要花費到20秒時間,大幅提升效率,達到縮短應變時間,降低公司財產損失目標。
The objective of this study is to evaluate the influences of 26 chemicals on chemcassette gas detector, and to analysis which chemical is the mainly contribute of the influence on high technical fab. This study also establish emergency response information system for reduce safety risk of company. Because of the complex process, there are many special gases used in high technical fab. These chemical have many dangerous characteristic such as toxic, corrode, flammable, oxidation and asphyxiating. In order to prevent chemical from leakage, protect employees’ safety, company property, and for environmental protection purpose, it is necessarily to set an effective GMS (gas monitor system). Chemcassette gas detectors are general in high technical fab. Five kinds of paper tapes such as Hydrides、Mineral Acid、Ammonia、Chlorine and Fluorine are used to detect various special gas. Those chemcassette gas detectors measure special gas by gas curve set up and color change of paper tape. However, the color change reaction can occur not only one kind of gas. It is not rare that the GMS was interfered by another gas/ chemical. This will increase the emergency repose duration. This study found 49% HF causes heaviest influence on chemcassette gas detectors. To establish chemical interfere table, and emergency response information system can help emergency response staffs to get the information including alarm source, location, risk factor and other related message in 20 sceonds. This is worth to shorten emergency response duration and reduce the damage of company.
Appears in Collections:Thesis