標題: 黏晶機頂針機構之最佳設計與實作
The Investigation and Evaluation on Mechanism Optimization of Chip Pickup Device
作者: 饒俊龍
Jao, Chun-Lung
Cheng, Pi-Ying
關鍵字: 黏晶機;應力分析;有限元素分析;田口方法;Die Bonding;Stress Analysis;ANSYS;Taguchi Method
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 由於科技的進步,IC晶片除了要有輕、薄、短、小四大需求外,幾乎還需具備高功能及高容量等特性。為了達成高容量的目標需將晶片研磨至75微米(μm),有些晶片甚至需研磨至25微米(μm)之後再進行晶片堆疊封裝。 晶圓切割完成後矽晶片還存放在切割膠膜上,需使用頂出機構將矽晶片進行頂出並且取下,在頂出矽晶片的過程中由於是接觸式作業若矽晶片較薄容易產生破裂,常造成產品報廢,在IC構裝製程中¨黏晶機取片過程¨是良率高低的重要關鍵。 本論文使用有限元素方法,針對薄晶片於黏晶機進行頂出作業時所產生之破壞進行分析研究,同時採用田口法等的實驗規劃法,經由實作實驗進行相互驗證,找出頂針排列最佳化的設計及黏晶機取片過程的最佳參數,以減少晶粒於作業時所引起的破裂,明顯改善黏晶機取片製程的良率,由原先的60%提高至95.31%。相信本研究成果相關產品或製程分析會有所幫助與參考。
Technology advancement, IC chip need to own the features of light weight, ultra thin, short, small and high performance, huge memory capacity as well. To achieve huge capacity, chip need to be ground to 75μm, some are even need to reach 25μm before die stacking. Si chip are still mounted on the dicing tape after cutting and which requires die bonder to eject the chip. During the ejection process, thin Si chip are easily to crack by the contacting method and casus discard. In IC assembly, Die Bonder ejection process is the key point of through- put. The thesis use ANSYS to research on the damage during thin chip ejection process. In the meantime, select Taguchi experiment to carry on contrast to figure out the best design of ejection pin arrangement and recipe. Consequently, reduce the die crack and improve through- put from 60% to 95.31%.Believe this research would be helpful on related production and process analysis.


  1. 950801.pdf

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