標題: 營建產業知識管理平台雛型之建置
Design and Implementation of a Construction Knowledge Management Portal
作者: 盧威儒
Lu, Wei-Ju
Wu, Yung-Chao
關鍵字: 營建產業;營建知識管理;營建生命週期;Construction Industry,;knowledge Management of Construction Industry;Life Cycle of Construction Industry
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 營建產業向來以勞力密集、知識集中著稱,專業的知識與經驗,皆集中在執行該專案的工程師等專業人員身上。此外傳統的營造環境中,導入資訊科技來整合管理營建知並不甚普及,往往會造成營建生命週期結束後,隨著人員及組織的異動,造成資料的重覆建置或者是資料的遺失等現象,嚴重影響到企業內工程知識的累積和傳承。因此本研究以為營建業建構一個知識管理平台雛型為探討主題,首先探討知識管理對於企業的重要性,並希望藉由分析營建產業的特有性質,導入資訊系統,建構營建知識管理平台。將營建產業所衍生的相關資料資訊化,有助於資料的保存;並利用資料檢索系統,提高營建知識的使用效率;最後導入RSS訂閱功能,讓使用者獲得最即時的知識;最終的目的是希望可以提供組織內,知識分享和交流平台,進而提高組織的知識傳承及累積。
.The construction industry in the past had been labor intensive with centralized knowledge. Therefore, knowledge and expertise accumulated within the projects managers and engineers often do not get passed on. Furthermore, in the traditional construction environment, the incorporation of information technology to consolidate and manage the construction business is not popular. As a result, records, information and knowledge of engineering management are lost with personnel changes and reorganization. This significantly compromise knowledge accumulation as well as its transfer and transition to future successors. The topic and focus of this thesis is to research the management and sharing of knowledge within the construction industry. The research demonstrates the importance of knowledge management to the business industry. It also analyzes the characteristics of the construction industry to incorporates an IT system and structure a knowledge management platform for the construction project. If all data and records can be captured using IT processes, the ability to retain records would be greatly enhanced. The usage of IT system would also elevate the usage efficiency of construction knowledge. By incorporating the RSS feature, the users can obtain the latest information and knowledge. The ultimate goal of this thesis is to provide an information sharing and communication forum within organizations to improve the gathering of experience and the transfer of knowledge.