標題: 台北市消費者對觸控式螢幕智慧型手機接受之研究
A Study of Touch Screen Smartphone Acceptance for the Consumers in Taipei City
作者: 黃益強
Huang, Yi-Chiang
Chen, Quang-Hua
關鍵字: 創新採用;智慧型手機;Innovation Adaption;Smartphone
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 隨著科技的快速發展,消費者所面臨的消費市場愈趨複雜,當市場推出新技術創新之產品時,改變的不但是產品本身的設計,也同時會改變消費者的購買偏好。本研究目的希望能夠透過精確的市場研究以及消費者偏好以及接受度調查來了解市場消費的趨勢,提出此類新產品的產品規劃策略,以增進消費者的接受度,減低新產品上市的失敗率。 統計資料顯示全球觸控式螢幕智慧型手機市場正進入快速成長期,無論在產量上及產值上成長幅度快速,深具發展潛力。在市場競爭激烈的環境下,找出不同區隔市場消費者所重視之產品功能需求並據以訂定產品規格、發展行銷策略是非常重要的。 本研究以台北市消費者為研究對象,以AIO生活型態表作為區隔基礎,共分為六個生活型態因素(重視品牌、省時省事、理性購買、重視廣告效應、精打細算以及獨立完成因素),從廣泛的消費群中,做出適當的三個集群體(講究效率型、偏好品牌型以及獨立主動型),並以人口統計變數以及消費行為描繪各集群特色,然後以因素分析法、卡方分析及多變量分析針對上述區隔市場進行接受度差異分析。 最後,依分析結果列出各區隔市場產品功能設計重點。研究結果顯示,觸控式螢幕智慧型手機市場可區隔為三個不同的消費族群。不同的消費族群,對於智慧型手機之功能需求與接受度也有所不同。在產品設計時,可依據不同區隔消費者的需求,提供不同之優先加強產品設計的重點。
The consumer market is getting more and more complicated because of the high-speed development of technology. An innovative product launched not only represents a new design but also symbolizes a purchasing behavior change in consumer's preference. The research purpose of this study is to investigate an insight of the consumer market trend in the new technology product market through a set of marketing research methods.This study will offer a marketing strategic planning process and result about one of the new product to reduce the failure probability in the launches. Statistics show that the growth of Touch Screen Smartphone has increased greatly in global market.Hence, it is important to have market segmentations in order to find out consumer requirements. In this study concerning to the Touch Screen Smartphone market. We use six lifestyle factors to group consumers into three clusters, which are described by demographic and consumer behavior variables. Next, we use the results from these previous steps and analyze consumer requirements using factor analysis,chi-square analysis and anova analysis. The results show that the market of the Touch Screen Smartphone should be divided into three different segments in which each of these segments have a different requirement to suit different groups of the customers.This creates an emphasis and provides an idea in product designing for the manufacturers of Touch Screen Smartphone to edit their products to suit the consumer requirements.