Title: 電線電纜產業與其中間商之經營策略分析
Operating Strategies of the Intermediate Traders In the Electric Wire & Cable Industry
Authors: 黃基福
Huang, Chi-Fu
Chyan Yang
Yau-De Wang
Keywords: 電線電纜;cable
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 摘 要 回顧台灣過去的經濟發展,電線電纜產業帶動了整個民生消費及輕、重工業的進步跟發展,並造就了舉世聞名的台灣經濟奇蹟,也因此在電力需求與經濟成長呈現同步的同時,台灣的電線電纜產業也與近半世紀以來的台灣經濟共同成長起飛,電線電纜就像是國民經濟的“神經”和“血管”,沒有了電線電纜,國民經濟就會癱瘓,國家的重大基礎建設及重點工程都無法進行,因此電纜業在國民經濟建設及工業發展中扮演著重要的角色,將各行各業連結起來並帶動經濟的發展,然而由於電線電纜業的產品生命週期早已進入了成熟期,而技術發展也已趨於成熟,政府對於電氣安全規定也已經周詳的記載並制定了國家法規讓所有的電線電纜業者去依循,也由於環保意識的高漲,電纜材料因佈放場所的不同而有了改變,因此,電纜業者應如何去面對日益變遷且競爭激烈的市場環境,增加自身的競爭能力,已經不能忽視。 由於電線電纜是基礎工業之一,政府將其納入策略性的發展工業,多年來由於國產化的政策施行下,政府標案是電纜業者最主要的客戶也是獲利來源,但政府為了要推動進入世界貿易組織(WTO),其國內市場逐漸對外開放,其電纜業者所面對的競爭環境逐漸複雜,本研究是去探討電纜業者面對未來的經營策略做個規劃研究以及探討中間商在電纜產業中所扮演的角色及策略,如何讓製造商及中間商達到雙贏,進而提升產業的核心競爭力。 關鍵詞: 國民經濟、產品生命週期、電氣安全規定、世界貿易組織(WTO)、經營策略、中間商角色、核心競爭力
Review the economic development in the past of Taiwan , the industry of electric wire & cable has driven the whole consumption of people’s livelihood and the progress of light & heavy industry , which has built the world-famous and proud miracle of economic in Taiwan . As a result , when electrical demand and economical development move ahead simultaneous- ly , the electric wire cable industry of Taiwan took off together with the economic developme- nt of Taiwan since half century , the electric wire cable is just like " the nerve " & " the blood vessel " of the economy , without the electric wire & cable, national economy will be paralys- ed, and the main construction and key project of country are all unable to go on, so the cable industry is playing an important role in national economic construction and industrial devel- oppment, this development link all trades and professions and drive the economy, however , the products life cycle of the electric wire cable industry has already entered the mature pe- riod, and technology’s development become more and more ripe . The government catalogued the regulation of electrical safe and made national stipulation which all cable makers have to follow. However ,owing to the upsurge of the environmental consciousness , the materials of cable are changed results in where the cable should be installed. How do cable makers face the competitive and changing environment of the market . How to forward our competivity ability , has already become the subject that can't be ignored. Because the electric wire & cable belongs to one of the basic industries, the government subsumed into the strategic and devlemental industry, for many years , due to the implement of domestic product verification , the bid of government is the main customer of all cable markers and is also the main source of profit . But , our government want to join the world Trade Organization(WTO). The cable’s market are opened gradually , the cable makers have to face more competitive and more complicated market . This study will discuss the future of operated strategy for cable makers and make an plan and research and probe into the interm- ediate trader’s role and tactics acted among cable industry, how to let manufacturer and inter- mediate trader to reach win-win, improving industry core competitiveness. Key Words: The Nation’s Economic、Life Circle of Product、Regulation of electrical safe、World Trade Organization、Operating strategy、role of agent、core competency
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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