標題: 顧客價值區隔之實證研究 - 以定期航運產業為例
The Empirical Research of Customer Value Segmentation - A Case Study on the Liner Shipping Industry
作者: 潘靜怡
Pan, Ching-Yi
Tang, Edwin
關鍵字: 定期航運;顧客終身價值;集群分析;顧客區隔;Liner shipping;RFM;Customer Lifetime Value;Cluster analysis;Customer segmentation
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 近年來企業的行銷方向從「產品」角度轉移到「顧客」角度,「顧客關係管理」變成企業經營的重點方向之一。根據80/20理論,公司大部份的貨量、營收甚至利潤,來自少部份的重要客戶。企業的資源有限,但是誰才是企業值得投資的重要顧客? 定期航運的資本投入龐大且回收緩慢,加上運價波動劇烈,各項成本逐步上升,壓縮獲利空間,航商在整體資源配置及行銷策略上必須更有機動性及規劃性,才能創造公司的整體價值。航商有限的資源必須配置在關鍵顧客上,因此對顧客的獲利性等價值分析顯得更為重要。 本研究利用資料採礦技術,以RFM以及顧客終身價值(Customer Lifetime Value)等變數,針對國內某上市航商之太平洋定期航運顧客作價值區隔之集群分析,將顧客區分成重量級顧客、潛力顧客、游離顧客、待開發顧客以及低價值顧客等五個集群,以單因子變異數分析檢驗各集群之間在分群變數上存在顯著差異,再以卡方檢定及列聯表進一步了解各集群顧客在顧客(通路)類型、運送路徑/目的地以及運送商品之分布與差異。本研究同時發現,80/20法則存在於定期航運之顧客群中,重量級顧客及潛力顧客應是航商之重點目標客群。 最後,本研究針對各集群顧客提出不同行銷策略建議,同時建議航商可以採取「煉金術」策略,協助將較低價值群顧客提升成為較高價值顧客群,以擴大整體顧客價值。
The capital investment of liner shipping industry is huge and it takes long time to pay back. Moreover, severely fluctuant revenue and soaring costs usually eat the profits off. In view of this, liner shipping carriers have to be more mobile and proactive in the resource allocation and marketing strategy in order to increase total value to the company. According to the rule of 80-20(the Pareto principle), the majority of volume, revenue or even profit comes from the minor customers. To make sure that we allocate resource exactly to key profitable accounts, analysis of customer value is essential and helpful. In this research, we adopt the technique of data mining and take RFM, Customer Lifetime Value and other significant factors as the variables of value segmentation. We classify customers of a liner shipping carrier into 5 clusters including High-value customers, Potential customers, Shopping-around customers, Further-developing customers and Low-value customers. We also validate the result through one-way ANOVA and confirm that there is significant difference among these clusters. In addition, we validate the clusters through Pearson Chi-Square and contingency table to see the distribution among clusters in 3 aspects of customer (channel) types, delivered commodities and destinations/routes, and the Chi-Square result also confirms that there is significant difference among clusters in the distribution. In this research, we also find that 80-20 rule can be applied to customers of liner shipping industry. High-value and Potential customers are the targeted customers whom carriers should focus on. Finally, we propose different marketing strategies to each cluster of customers. We also suggest the carrier could use “alchemy” strategy to promote less valuable customers into more valuable customers in order to boost the overall customer value in the company.