標題: 部落客之社會網路與自我概念的關係
The relationship between blogger's social network and self-concept
作者: 陳志豪
關鍵字: 部落格;網誌;部落客;自我概念;社會網路;Blog;Blogger;Self-concept;Social network
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 部落格使用者日益增多,部落客藉此媒體由群眾底層發表看法、評論,不僅是抒發情感更是記錄生活。在此一新興媒體蔚為風潮後,研究將探討部落客之自我概念是否因此有所差異。研究樣本採用問卷調查法立意抽樣,以新竹市某一所國中二年級學生為樣本,共收集416份有效問卷進行量化統計分析。從「現實生活社會網路」、「部落格社會網路」、「性別」、「學業成就」、「部落格的有無」五個構面探討與部落客自我概念的關係。 研究結果發現: 1.「部落格的有無」、「部落格社會網路」與自我概念無顯著相關; 2.部落格的有無,在「現實生活社會網路」上有明顯差異; 3.學業成績高低不同之部落客,在「部落格社會網路」上沒有明顯差異,但在「現實生活社會網路」上有明顯差異。 進而得到以下結論: 1.部落格不會對部落客整體自我概念造成明顯改變,但與人際互動有關。 2. 部落格能「過濾」現實生活中不利人際關係的部分因素,利用主題特色吸引觀眾瀏覽。 3. 部落格增加了情感交流的機會,但關係有親疏之分。
There are more and more bloggers, those who express their feeling, give their comments, and record their lives by means of blogs. After this new media caused a trend, this study discussed whether the blogger’s self-concept was changed. Research through questionnaire investigation method, and take the junior high school second grade students in Hsinchu for example. 416 copies of effective questionnaire are collected and went through SPSS analysis. The relationship to the blogger’s self-concept is discussed through five dimensions, the social network in reality, blog social network, genders, academic achievements, and the existence of the blog. The results showed, (1) the existence of the blog and blog social network have nothing to do with the self-concept; (2) the existence of the blog has remarkable difference to the social network in reality; (3) bloggers with different academic achievements have no remarkable difference on the blog social network, but social network reality. Further, we can get the conclusion, (1) the existence or the usage of the blog or change user’s self-concept obviously; (2) the blog is capable of keeping friendship; (3) the blog has the “filter” function. Even though people who use blog knew each other in the real life, but some factors which affected relationship in real life will filter through blog, and left the attractive subject on line.


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