標題: 科技產業之行銷競爭策略研究-以韓國三星手機為例
Marketing Competitive Strategy in Electronic Industry:Taking Samsung's Cellular Phone Product as an example.
作者: 陳詩婷
Chen, Shih-Ting
Tang, Ying-Chan
關鍵字: 三星電子;行銷策略;競爭策略;手機;科技產業;Samsung;Competitive Strategy;Electronic Industry;Cellular Phone;Marketing
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 行動電話問世十餘年來一直呈現高速的成長,截至2008年底為止,全球手機總出貨量為11.8億支,2009年全球的手機普及率將達67%,行動電信用戶數達46億,全球手機產值高達1,931億美元,除了原有國際大廠急欲以自有品牌擴張版圖以外,更有眾多白牌與代工廠商加入,以代工業務為主的台灣手機廠商面臨激烈競爭與利潤流失壓力,逐漸向自有品牌尋求轉型。 本研究以南韓三星電子為研究對象,以三星電子手機產品的發展歷史與行銷策略分析為例,歸納分析出三星電子如何運用母集團的競爭優勢,在行動電話市場上迅速取得領導地位藉由競爭策略、產品創新、品牌策略等文獻理論輔助解讀此個案,研討其手機產品的行銷策略與品牌規劃歷程。三星所採取的並非是波特的集中(Focus)策略,而是一種垂直整合並由核心事業擴展至周邊相關事業的策略,除此之外,三星於品牌建立的投入,積極施行其策略品牌教育,努力維持產品競爭力與高級形象,讓三星電子快速的成為全球第二大手機供應商。 最後本研究歸納可做為台灣企業借鏡的三星經驗,分別為由產品導向徹底執行進入行銷導向、設計創新朝向國際觀之路邁進強化品牌行銷、融合於企業整體策略、以品質為後盾建立品牌。此外,本研究提出不同的國家條件與企業文化,是否可全然複製三星電子經驗產生同樣結果?三星的成功,是否需有某些關鍵特殊條件與因素得以建構?做為後續研究的建議。
The global expansion of mobile telephony between 1984 and 2008 has brought unprecedented access to communications for consumers and businesses worldwide. Most EMS- and ODM-focused companies in Taiwan are noticing that what their ODM model is not working. Reassessing their strategy and business model is a must and so many of them are shifting their gears from ODM to build their own brand. This research aims to understand how the hugest South Korean company , Samsung Electronics , built its successful own mobile phone brand. Through theoretical review and case study, competitive Strategy, product innovation and marketing are found as some keys to Samsung’s powerful brand. Samsung is not taken to Porter's focus (Focus) strategy, but a vertical integration extended to the periphery by the core business strategy-related businesses. In addition, Samsung invested in brand building, and actively implementing its strategy of brand education efforts to maintain the competitiveness of their products with the high-level image, Samsung Electronics becomes the world's second-largest mobile phone supplier. In the end, this research concludes four keys for Taiwanese companies from Samsung’s experience, and four suggestions for succeeding research.


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