Title: 以利豐案例探討我國第三方物流業者未來發展
Future Development of Taiwan's Third Party Logistics Industry: A Case Study on Li&Fung
Authors: 陳宏明
Chen, Hung-Ming
Tang, Ying-Chan
Keywords: 供應鍊管理;第四方物流;第三方物流;全球化;利豐;Supply chain management;Forth party logistics;Third pary logistics;Globalization;Li&Fung
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 隨著全球化的趨勢,外包運輸的重要性升高,第三方物流市場具有成長機會,但如何依據策略採取行動,逐步強化整合供應鏈能力,本研究欲探討利豐個案中成功整合供應鏈的因素,提供實務建議給第三方物流業者。 全球化的腳步一直不斷前進,『在世界是平的』作者湯瑪斯佛里曼提出2000年後個人電腦,網際網路,與工作流軟體(workflow software)興起,進一步剷平世界,第三方物流業者在全球化浪潮下,估計由1996年到2004年此項委外業務有6%-8%總成長率,所以能統籌跨國運送與提供附加價值的第三方物流業者在全球化下角色日益重要。 第三方物流業者指與貨主基於互利關係提供貨主客製化且多元化的整合物流服務,包含有國際運輸業者如FEDEX 、UPS與陽明海運; 海運承攬業者如沛華與中菲行; 倉儲物流中心如中保物流; 以及內陸運送業者如驊洲,都屬於第三方物流業者範圍。我國第三方物流業者與國際物流業者相比,規模過小,資訊能力不足,而面對企業需求不斷的增加,多數業者只是想辦法應付客戶現狀要求,少數業者能提供更多的物流服務,目前所見,有A海運成立自己的拖車公司,及第三方物流業者,採上下游整合方式提供較多樣的服務,但在全球化市場下,漸漸被國際間第三方物流業者超越市占率,A海運公司回頭繼續從事船運等資本額投入多,但回收不易的商業模式,另海運承攬業者,本身沒有船隊資本投入負擔但與海外供應鏈夥伴間整併不易,單打獨鬥固守台灣客戶,因此在多元化服務不足下於國際競爭落居下風。 在全球化競爭架構下,供應鏈管理對於形成具有競爭性策略具有舉足輕重的地位已非常明顯,而近在香港的利豐集團即是成功整合供應鏈的廠商之一,利豐合作夥伴遍及四十個國家,供應商高達7500家,這與國際物流運輸中合作伙伴眾多特性相似,第三方物流業者於海外多透過代理來進行國外內陸配送與清關,一個港口可同時擁有十家代理商為合作伙伴。利豐不但成功與這7500家廠商合作達到滿足大型買家,如MEXX,AVON,REBOX,在台灣第三方物流漸漸失去市占率同時,利豐正是第三方物流業者需要學習對象。本研究希望針對這位傳統貿易商由1995年到2007年間,一系列強化供應鏈整合者角色的策略,得出成功整合供應鏈關鍵因素,並給予第三方物流業者實務上之建議。
By the trend of globalization, many companies outsource the logistic operation to third party logistics providers (abbreviated as 3PL). And the annual growth rate of this outsourcing logistics market is expected as 6%. It should be noted that the 3PL who can handle cross country transportation and provide customized service will be the winner in the severe competition. 3PL provides supply chain management service, including integrated operation, warehousing, and transportation services. The key 3PL providers include international carriers, such as “Fedex”, “UPS”,“Yang Ming” and “Evergreen Liner”; freight forwarders such as “Pacific Star” and “Dimerco”; warehouse providers include “Goldsun Express & Logistics”; and pure inland distributer such as “FEC”. The demerits of Taiwan 3PL are much smaller scale and less information investment compared to international 3PL. Taiwan 3PL can not handle complicated and customized requirements, but only maintain the traditional transportation services while the global marketing is booming. In spite of a few horizontal integrations made by Taiwan international carriers, Taiwan 3PL still fail to gain the global market share regardless of such efforts. Global supply chain management capabilities are crucial for Taiwan’s 3PL to survive in the globalized world. Li&Fung in Hong Kong is a successful example of global supply chain management. Analyzing the strategies of Li&Fung from 1995 to 2007, I generalize the key factors of Li&Fung’s success in order to provide practical suggestions to Taiwan’s 3PL.
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