標題: Eco-Conductor - 利用虛擬生態系統之互動式音景
Eco-Conductor – Interactive Soundscape with virtual ecosystem
作者: 楊禮瑋
Yang, Li-Wei
Chi, Tai-Shih
關鍵字: 互動;音景;interaction;soundscape;ecosystem
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 此篇論文介紹Eco-Conductor互動式系統,此系統提拱一個使用者可控制的音景(soundscape),音景中包含聲音屬性的連續體(continuum)。使用者動作與聲音的對應(Mapping)使用了虛擬生態系統(ecosystem)的概念,藉由影響生態系統的變化,間接改變聲音,而非直接性動作對應聲音或動作對應聲音屬性的關係。此生態系統被視覺化,因此使用者能夠同時感受到音景的變化以及視覺上的變化。本研究也設計了一個使用者介面偵測使用者的動作,動作被轉譯成覺醒(arousal)與價性(valence)的二維情緒平面,並且影響生態系統,進而間接影響音景的表現。
In this thesis, we present the “Eco-Conductor”, an interactive system offering a soundscape where users can conduct. In the soundscape, continuums of properties of sounds were designed. Instead of direct mappings from users’ gestures to sounds or features of sounds, a virtual ecosystem is used as the mapping platform. By affecting the ecosystem, the soundscape is indirectly varied. The ecosystem was also visualized so that users can feel the variation in both the soundscape and the visual presentation. We also designed a human-machine interface which detects users’ gestures. These gestures are interpreted into the arousal-valence plane and the corresponding attributes affect the ecosystem. Therefore, the performance of the soundscape is indirectly affected.
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