標題: 脈衝雷射沉積鑭鋁氧電阻層全透式電阻式記憶體研究
Pulse-laser deposition of LaAlO3 as resistive switching layer of fully transparent resistive random access memory
作者: 黃俊傑
Huang, Jun-Jie
Chang, Kow-Ming
關鍵字: 電阻式記憶體;全透式;鑭鋁氧電阻層;resistive random access memory;fully transparent;LaAlO3
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 隨著數位科技的日新月異,非揮發性記憶體在生活中扮演著極重要的角色,透明化產品也逐漸掀起潮流。快閃式記憶體雖然是目前最大宗的非揮發性記憶體,但它有其不可微縮的極限,包含高操作電壓,低存取速度和較短的保存時限。電阻式記憶體具有簡單結構,低操作電壓和高微縮能力的優點,故很可能成為下一個世代的記憶體。 三氧化鋁鑭為下個世代互補式金屬氧化物半導體的熱門高介電質材料。三氧化鋁鑭具有高介電常數、不容易與矽反應、在製程中有低的擴散率且不會在介面和矽產生二氧化矽而造成介電常數等效下降等優點。如果能利用三氧化鋁鑭作為電阻式記憶體的材料,將很容易跟互補式金屬氧化物半導體製程相容。 在本論文中,我們成功使用ITO/三氧化鋁鑭/ITO 製程結構和材料探討記憶體的操作特性和並藉由電操作特性提出機制。
With the arrival of Digital Age, nonvolatile memory (NVM) plays an important role in our life, and the transparent products are also a trend. The flash memory is the mainstream NVM so far, but it meets the challenge for scaling down, including high operation voltage, low operation speed, and poor retention. Resistive random access memory (RRAM) has many advantages including simple structure, low operation voltage, and scaling down. RRAM is possible to become the next generation NVM. LaAlO3 is a candidate high k material for next COMS generation. LaAlO3 is a promising material due to its higher k, lack of reactivity with Si, and larger band offset with Si. Particularly, LaAlO3 has much lower atomic diffusion rate and fewer tendencies to form the SiO2-based interfacial layer during processing. If we can use LaAlO3 as a next generation memory, it is compatible with CMOS processes. In this paper, we succeed in the research of the ITO/LaAlO3/ITO as the RRAM and proposed a mechanism by the electrical properties.


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