標題: 以單級單開關高功因泛用電源輸入交直流轉換器為基礎的複金屬燈電子安定器之設計
Electronic Ballast Design of Metal-Halide Lamp Based on Single-Stage Single-Switch High Power Factor AC/DC Universal Input Converter
作者: 陳平修
Ping-Hsiu Chen
Lon-Kou Chang
關鍵字: 複金屬燈;電子安定器;單極單開關;高功因;定功率;MH Lamp;Ballast;Single-Stage Single-Switch;High Power Factor;Constant Power
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 高強度氣體放電燈之一的複金屬燈具有高演色性、高效率、長壽命等優點;然而它也有點燈暫態時間長、點燈電壓極高、音頻共振等問題。 本論文提出一完整的複金屬燈電子安定器設計方法,其架構包括下列三個部分:(1)以單級單開關轉換器的架構取代功率因數校正電路以及直流直流轉換器兩個架構,來達成泛用型電壓輸入、功率因數校正、直流/直流穩壓等功能,以達成電路精簡的目的。(2)避免音頻共振的全橋式方波換流器。(3)提供燈管啟動電壓的高壓產生器。實做驗證方面,利用電流模式控制IC UC3842,實做出一150 W的複金屬燈電子安定器,並使用一簡單的最大電流限制及功率控制方法來保護電子安定器以及複金屬燈,不因為過功率而損壞。實驗結果顯示了燈管正常工作時的電壓電流皆與設計規格符合。
Metal-Halide Lamp is one of the High-Intensity-Discharge Lamps. It has stronger advantages in color rendering, lighting efficiency, and lifetime. However, the problems of long transition period required, extremely high starting ignition voltage, and acoustic resonance should be overcome. This thesis proposes a complete design of the electronic ballast for Metal-Halide Lamps. The whole design include three parts: (1) a single-stage single-switch high power factor AC/DC universal input converter in stead of the general two stage topology, in order to simplify the topology, (2) a full-bridge square wave inverter to avoid the acoustic resonance, (3) a igniting circuit to ignite the lamp. The AC/DC converter is controlled and driven by UC3842. The upper current limit and constant power control are designed to protect the Metal-Halide Lamp from burning out. The whole electronic ballast has worked well and the experiment results just match the theoretical ones.


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