Title: 施工動線與工地配置規劃準則之建立
Establishment of planning principles of construction moving paths and site layouts
Authors: 蘇家良
Su, Chia-Liang
Wang, Wei-Chih
Keywords: 深入訪談;施工動線;工地配置;in-depth interview;construction moving;site layouts
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 營建產業工程規模日漸繁鉅,施工動線與工地配置規劃上亦逐漸複雜。一般的營造工地,都以個人的經驗來做為規劃時的依據,並沒有ㄧ定的準則可依循,而施工動線與工地配置規劃的好壞對一個工程的成敗影響甚巨。本研究之目的有二,第一,藉由訪談各種不同類型的工程,依據訪談工程類型的性質與目標之不同歸納出其施工動線與工地配置的準則。第二,因各個工程性質與目標的不同在規劃時所考量之準則亦會不同,因此彙整訪談的結果,建立出一個準則模式使一個工程在建立施工動線與工地配置時,可因工程之特性需求不同,選擇符合工程的目標以及條件下去規劃施工動線與工地配置以達到其目標。 本研究之研究方法是採用質性研究中的深入訪談,係透過工程顧問、建築師、營造廠方成員等專家訪談以及工程資料蒐集,探討不同的施工動線與工地配置規劃,對於達到工程整體目標之影響。其研究步驟如下:(1)訪談個案工程,取得個案工程相關文字與圖檔資料。(2)根據個案訪談與資料結果(工程基本概要及工地配置圖)彙整出準則及圖面說明。(3)建立其施工動線與工地配置規劃表(4)由各個單一個案經驗來歸結出施工動線與工地配置規劃準則。 由於施工動線與工地配置的規劃對一個工程成敗與否有著很大的影響,而因工程個案特性與目標設定的不同,在動線規劃時的考量會產生極大的差異,因此本研究建立施工動線與工地配置的規劃準則,使得一個工程在規劃時可根據自身個案特性與目標選擇最適合的動線規劃模式,以利於整個工程達到預定之目標。
As construction works becoming more and more large-scaled these days, the establishment of planning principles of construction moving paths and site layout has also turned out to be comparatively complicated. In most construction sites, there is no fixed standard that one can follow; the person (or the members) in charge usually rely on their personal experience to determine the plans. However, the establishment of planning principles of construction moving paths and site layouts is rather important in terms of how successful this project could be. Therefore, the objects of this research are as follows: (1) to induct the differences of planning principles of construction moving paths and site layouts between different types of construction sites through interviews. (2) to establish a fundamental standard which allows the user to modify so as to be properly applied to different conditions. This research is based on qualitative method. Results are based on interviews with consultants, architects and workers and thorough data analysis: different move paths and site layouts are being carried out in different cases. Here are the steps: (1) Interviewing individuals and collecting related documents. (2) Coordinating following principles and photographs based on interviews and data analysis (brief outlines and layouts) (3) Establishing moving paths and site layouts accordingly. (4) Summarizing a fundamental moving paths and site layout principles through each individual plans. As moving paths and site layouts are crucial to a construction case, one must establish principles when it comes to different construction sites. The main purpose of this research paper is to establish a fundamental principle, which could be applied to most plan with slight modifications, so as to achieve the best result.
Appears in Collections:Thesis