標題: 以自有品牌服飾專業零售經營模式(SPA)探討服飾零售業之全球品牌行銷策略:UNIQLO個案研究
Global Brand's Marketing Strategy of Specialty Store Retailer of Private Label Apparel Model (SPA) in Apparel Retail Industry: A Case Study of UNIQLO
作者: 游承儒
Yu, Cheng-Ju
Hu, Tung-Lai
Chiang, Chi
關鍵字: 服飾零售業;自有品牌;自有品牌服飾專業零售模式;全球品牌;Apparel Retail Industry;Private Label;SPA Model;Global Brand
公開日期: 2009
摘要:   品牌經營與管理一直是近幾年來台灣企業急欲發展的新概念,但由於過去台灣的產業結構以代工為主,因此在轉型發展品牌的過程中面臨了許多問題和挑戰,尤其是流行與服飾產業的發展,更是不斷面臨整體環境不佳的問題。服飾產業一直以來都是競爭相當激烈,其產業特色講求的是季節性與流行性,且產品生命週期相當短,因此不斷的求新求變是發展服飾業的過程中相當重要的一環。台灣地區目前雖然有幾家知名度較高的服飾零售業(如佳舫、lativ等),但整體來說,大部分的服飾零售商都是以個體方式生存,無法有系統性的規劃,更不用說發展成「品牌」,但事實上,台灣在服飾零售業的發展上並非缺乏人才,許多國際知名品牌的設計師皆來自台灣,但卻都因為整體產業環境不佳和缺乏有效率的整合,因此在發展上仍稍嫌緩慢,加上一昧模仿國外知名品牌的設計,缺乏品牌自有特色和概念,使得發展過程困難重重。   本研究透過個案研究的方式,針對日本最大的服飾零售商UNIQLO進行個案研究分析,透過個案研究的方式,了解UNIQLO如何透過新型態的「自有品牌服飾專業零售經營模式」從無到有,從默默無名的地區商店發展成全球知名品牌,並希望透過UNIQLO在日本起步並進行全球擴張的經驗能對台灣地區的紡織與服飾相關產業的發展有所啟發,甚至是將其經營模式運用在其它產業,進而發展屬於台灣的「全球強勢品牌」。
For such a long time, brand operation and management are always a new issue for Taiwan’s companies, but the structure of Taiwan’s industries was based on OEM, so they faced many problems and challenges while developing “brand”, especially in the fashion and apparel industry. Apparel industry is always competitive, and its characteristics are particular about seasonal and fashionable, also, it has a short period of product cycle, so it’s important to pursue innovation and creation in apparel industry. Although there are some famous apparel brand in Taiwan (like NET and lativ), but most of the apparel retailers in Taiwan are individual retailers and short of systematical planning, so it’s hard to develop a “strong brand” in Taiwan. In fact, Taiwan has some persons of talent in apparel industry, many designers of international brands are come from Taiwan, but the bad industrial environment and lack of efficient integration lead to the short development of apparel industry, besides, always imitate the design of international brand’s products is also a main obstruction in Taiwan’s apparel industry. This thesis use case study method to study and analyze the biggest apparel retailer in Japan, UNIQLO. Through the case study, we can understand how UNIQLO builds a strong brand from local retailer to the biggest apparel retailer in Japan and goes global by SPA Model (Specialty Store Retailer of Private Label Apparel) and became a world famous apparel brand, also, through the research, we can use the UNIQLO’s experience to be a lesson of Taiwan’s apparel and textile industry, and even imitate its concept in other industry, then create a “strong brand” of Taiwan.
Appears in Collections:Thesis