標題: | 汽車駕駛人錯誤駕駛行為之影響因素探討 Exploring the Factors Influencing the Error driving behavior of automobile drivers |
作者: | 黃仲平 Huang, Chung-Pin 張新立 Chang, Hsin-Li 運輸與物流管理學系 |
關鍵字: | 錯誤駕駛行為;駕駛技巧;防衛性駕駛能力;駕駛憤怒;駕駛厭惡;駕駛緊張;error driving behavior;driving skill;defensive driving;driving annoyance;situation-specific tension;dislike of driving |
公開日期: | 2009 |
摘要: | 本研究之目的在探討影響汽車駕駛人錯誤駕駛行為之因素。本研究首先藉由國內外相關文獻之探討,歸納出駕駛能力與駕駛負面情緒為影響錯誤駕駛行為之主要因素,其中駕駛能力包括駕駛技巧與防衛性駕駛能力兩個構面,而駕駛負面情緒則包括駕駛憤怒、駕駛緊張及駕駛厭惡等三個構面。本研究依據國外相關研究結果進行問卷設計,收集新竹地區304位汽車駕駛人之量測資料,並利用結構方程模式進行路徑分析。研究之結果顯示,錯誤駕駛行為之發生頻率與駕駛憤怒傾向及駕駛厭惡傾向均呈現正相關,而與防衛性駕駛能力則呈現顯著之負相關,其中又以駕駛憤怒傾向之影響為最大;而駕駛技巧與駕駛緊張傾向則無顯著影響。因此,欲減少錯誤駕駛行為之發生應以降低駕駛憤怒傾向為目標進行改善,如提倡「將心比心」、「多替他人著想」之觀念,以降低錯誤駕駛行為之發生機率,達到行車安全之目的。 This study was conducted to explore the factors that influence automobile drivers’ error driving behavior. The influential factors are categorized into two latent constructs according to the related literature. They are the ability of driving and the negative emotion of driving. The ability of driving is measured by Driver Skill Inventory (DSI) which includes two sub-constructs of driving skill and defensive driving. However, the negative emotion of driving is measured by the related items of Driving Behavior Inventory (DBI) which include three sub-constructs of driving annoyance, situation-specific tension, and dislike of driving. Error driving behavior is measured by the related items of Driver Behavior Questionnaire (DBQ). The Structural Equation Model (SEM) is then used to analyze the paths between the constructs. The study results indicate that error driving behavior is influenced by driving annoyance, dislike of driving, and defensive driving, but is not significantly influenced by driving skill and situation-specific tension. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/45383 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |
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