標題: 兩供應商良率不確定下單週期數量採購之研究
A Single Period Procurement Policy when Facing Two Suppliers with Uncertain Yield Rates
作者: 陳佩宜
Chen, Pei-I
Hong, I-Hsuan
Chen, Wen-Chih
關鍵字: 多個供應商;良率;隨機變數;訂購數量;Multiple Sourcing;Yield Rate;Random Variable;Order Quantity
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 近年來,由於顧客市場變大、技術快速進步的因素,許多產業都往往存在多家廠商可提供服務,因此當顧客需要購買產品時,往往有許多的選擇可以來滿足他的需求。但由於供應商在製造的過程中是充滿變動的,除了製造的良率無法確定外,產能也可能受限,或者是突發的天災人禍都有可能造成顧客向供應商訂購產品後卻拿不到足夠貨品的窘境。若是此顧客還要進一步加工以提供產品給下游顧客,那麼受到損失的不僅單是供應商,而是整條供應鏈利益都會受到影響。因此在這種充滿高度不確定的環境中,當一個組裝廠可有兩供應商可選擇時,他是否會選擇只忠於其中一家,或是向兩家皆訂購,並且需要訂購多少數量以減少可能會發生的損失來提高公司能獲得的利潤。 本研究主要以下游組裝廠角度,探討兩供應商的環境中,供應商生產良率為隨機不確定的情況下,組裝廠也面臨訂購成本、缺貨成本和廢料處理成本的狀況中,是否會採取向兩家供應商皆訂購的情況,或只偏好向某一家訂購。我們在單週期環境下以最小化成本為目標建構一個數學模型及求解方法,探討組裝廠對於訂單的分配的偏好,針對懲罰成本和數量相關的不同情境,找到最適合的最佳訂購量。
Because of the potential customer segment and rapid technological progress, more firms are built to serve the market. When a customer has more choices to choose, would a customer only choose one supplier or choose both suppliers? In this research, we assume the production yield rates of the suppliers are random variables, and the assembly firm needs to decide the order quantity. We consider the uncertain yield rates of the suppliers and the trade-off between shortage cost and salvage cost. We propose a single period model to determine the optimal order quantity of the assembly firm where the assembly firm minimizes its own cost. Then we find the condition that the assembly firm only orders from one supplier or two suppliers. Finally, we demonstrate our results by a numerical case and conduct the parameter analysis to observe how parameters affect the assembly firm’s decision.
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