標題: 迷你筆記型電腦之產品改善策略
Defining the improvement strategies for Netbook products based on hybrid MCDM method
作者: 蔡亦泰
Tsai, Yi-Tai
Tzeng, Gwo-Hshiung
關鍵字: 迷你筆記型電腦;重要-績效度分析;決策試驗與實驗評估法;網路關聯圖;網絡層級分析法;模糊積分法;Netbook;Important-Performance Analysis,IPA;Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory , DEMATEL;Network Ration Map, NRM;Analytic Network Process, ANP;Fuzzy integral Method, FIM
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 資通訊科技的進步延伸了人們的活動空間,也讓人們開始享受到科技帶給來的便利跟自由,從前使用電腦來處理一些事物或是享受影音娛樂大多離不開辦公室、書房跟客廳,由於受到電腦與網路服務的限制,使得人們大多時間是在這些地方走動,由於筆記型電腦、行動電話跟無線網路服務普及化,讓人們開始重新思考活動空間跟範圍,更重新定義未來行動生活下的產品需求,近年來電腦廠商紛紛投入迷你筆記型電腦(Netbook)或迷你筆記型電腦等新世代行動電腦的開發,電信服務供應商也開始關注行動上網的需求,紛紛開始透過價格補貼的方式來誘發消費者選購複數筆記型電腦的動機,使得行動筆記型電腦與行動網路服務成為新一波驅動筆記型電腦市場成長的動力,然而在眾多品牌的行動筆記型電腦中究竟哪些廠家能夠獲得電信服務供應商的親睞,而哪些產品功能或服務能夠吸引消費者的目光,而這些都將牽動著行動筆記型電腦業者的產品競爭力與市場版圖,因此本研究試圖從迷你筆記型電腦對消費者所創造的價值為出發點,為迷你筆記型電腦廠商找出可行的市場發展策略與經營模式,藉由探討消費者的需求偏好來找出消費者對於迷你筆記型電腦產品的功能與服務選購偏好,透過主成分分析(Principal component analysis, PCA),將準則依其屬性加以分類成獨立成份,再運用網路層級分析法(Analytic Network Process, ANP)與模糊積分法(Fuzzy integral Method, FIM)將市面上迷你筆記型電腦做定位,再利用重要-表現度分析(Important-Performance Analysis,IPA)找出產品功能與服務落差,再以決策試驗與實驗評估法(Decision Making Trial And Evaluation Laboratory, DEMATEL)來建構產品構面的網路關聯圖(Network Ration Map, NRM),之後透過需求落差與關聯結構圖以找出產品改善方向,並藉此來建構出迷你筆記型電腦之產品發展策略。
The evolution in Information technology(IT) expands human space, and makes human life more convenient, but the limit of computers and internet in early time, people was restricted in a place, the innovative products, like notebook, mobile phone and developed wireless now, everyone can go through anywhere, therefore people need to redefine the needs of technology products in the future, in recent years computer companies joined to develop netbook, telecommunications service providers have been made price subsidies at the same time, consumers will to buy a netbook or more, it grow up the notebook and netbook markets, hence telecommunications service providers choice computer companies product which product functions and services attract attention of consumers. This study would like to find out the customers’ needs and their desired netbook function and services, and proposes suitable development strategies and operation models to computer companies in the future. This study would select aspects/criteria for customers to evaluate the preference and willingness of netbook function and service. In this study, the Principal component Analysis (PCA) is applied to categorize criteria based on their properties, the Analytic network process (ANP) is used to determine the weights of components, and the Fuzzy integral Method (FIM) is adopted to evaluate the performance gaps of netbooks. The Important-Performance Analysis(IPA) can find out aspects/criteria what need to improvement and the Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) is used to construct the network relation map (NRM). Netbooks can obtain improvement strategies based on customers’ needs and improve service quality using product develop strategies.


  1. 552001.pdf

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