標題: 網路新聞之帕列托法則分析 – 以交大喀報為例
An Analysis of the Pareto Principle in Online News: A Study of the NCTU’s Electronic Newspaper
作者: 張韻姿
Chang, Yun-Tzu
Huang, J. Sonia
關鍵字: 網路新聞;網路流量;帕列托法則;80/20法則;長尾理論;online news;web traffic;Pareto Principle;80/20 Rule;Long Tail theory
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 本研究透過內容分析和Google Analytics網路流量監測工具,對台灣學生電子報的新聞內容和流量分佈進行帕列托法則的檢驗,發現網路新聞的確存在著流量不平衡的情形。研究結果和帕列托法則所預測的模式類似,是由少數的網路新聞內容貢獻多數的網路流量。不過這個不平衡的關係不是80比20,而是一個介於45~74比上20的關係。此外,根據流量分佈結果顯示,網路使用者最常瀏覽的關鍵新聞類目為「影評」、「首頁」和「文化現象」。在三個關鍵類目中就有兩個屬於軟性新聞,這不僅凸顯使用者對少數熱門新聞類目的偏愛,更與現今整個新聞產業娛樂化的傾向相呼應。 另一方面,本研究在檢視熱門和冷門的網路新聞內容之流量表現時也發現,前20%的熱門新聞類目與頁面的網路流量表現,顯著高於後80%的冷門新聞類目與頁面之網路流量表現。然而,若是用「總體貢獻」的角度來思考的話,前20%的熱門新聞頁面之總網路流量,雖然仍然比後80%的冷門新聞網頁之總流量還要高,但兩者的差距並沒有非常大。由此可看出,冷門新聞內容雖然單位流量小,但全部加總起來的力量仍然是可以和前20%的關鍵新聞相互匹敵的。
Content analysis and Google Analytics data from a student electronic newspaper in Taiwan were used to examine the Pareto Principle (also known as the 80-20 rule or the vital few and trivial many). Resutls show that most of the online traffic concentrated on a few news categories and pages, which proved an imbalanced distribution of the Pareto Principle. Howerver, the imbalanced distribution between traffic and content demonstrated a 45~74 to 20 relationship, rather than 80 to 20. Besides, the study also identified the critical news categories that online users read the most are “movie commentary”, “front page”, and “cultural phenomenon”. Two of the three critical news categories are the so called “soft news”, suggesting the infotainment trend of the online users and the news industry. Furthermore, the study also found that the traffic performance of the top 20% popular news categories and pages is significantly different from that of the last 80% news categories and pages. Nevertheless, as far as the cumulative traffic points are concerned, the total traffic of the last 80% news categories and pages collectively can comprise a market rivaling the top 20%.


  1. 151901.pdf

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