Title: 美感生活型態對產品偏好的影響
The Relationships between Aesthetics Lifestyle and The Preference of Products
Authors: 陳明陽
Chen, Ming-Yang
Chuang, Ming-Chuen
Keywords: 美感生活型態;美感層級;偏好因子;aesthetics lifestyle;Aesthetic level;partiality factor
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 在這自我意識覺醒的年代,現代人美感認知的提升,使「美感」這個議題漸漸受到大家的關注。每個人因為不同的美感特質,對於產品也有了不同的喜好。因此,本研究主要在探討台灣地區民眾美感生活型態與產品偏好之間的關係。 本研究約略分為兩部分。第一部分為建構美感生活型態量表,透過文獻探討、焦點小組的討論及專家檢視,之後進行預試,最後確立出68題的美感生活型態量表。以網路問卷作為問卷發放的形式,將回收的問卷數據進行因子分析。研究結果顯示,台灣民眾美感生活型態由「流行時尚」、「新奢華」、「美學知識」、「浪漫童趣」、「獨特品味」、「藝術行為」、「內斂反思」、「簡單樸素」等八個構面構成。進一步透過集群分析,可將受調者分為五個族群,分別為「簡單生活家」、「美學初心者」、「藝術手作實踐家」、「森林系美感幻想家」及「流行時尚先行者」。本研究同時也發現五個族群形成一「美感層級」,美感層級的發展與Maslow的需求層級理論發展模式相同,達到低層的美感認知標準之後,便會向上層層級提升,且亦有水平發展的時期。最高層級為美感發展至圓融成熟的美感心靈主體,屬於理想中的層級,不在這五個族群之中。 第二部分分別以手機、汽車、手錶三樣產品做為樣本,進行產品及影響消費者選擇產品的偏好因子喜好調查,結合第一部分之分群結果,計算每一族群對於各類產品偏好與偏好因子的累計頻次及頻次百分比,然後進行卡方檢定。卡方檢定結果發現,雖不是每個族群的差異都很大,但確實有部分族群的人在選擇產品及偏好因子的喜好有所差異。之後更深入的探討美感生活型態因子與產品偏好及各產品偏好因子的關係。判別分析的結果發現,美感生活型態因子與影響消費者選擇產品及產品的偏好因子關係顯著。尤其「新奢華」特質越明顯的人,越注重產品「品牌」可能帶給人的附加價值,也越懂得享受品牌可能營造出的優越感,並善於透過產品的品牌彰顯自己的卓越。
In modern days of which self-awareness and aesthetics have become great importance in life, the topic of “aesthetics” has gradually received more people’s attentions. As the definition of “aesthetics lifestyle” may differ from one person to another, product preferences may also greatly deviate between consumer populations. This research focused mainly in the relationships between Taiwanese’s preference for products and lifestyles in terms of aesthetic. This study was divided into two main parts. The first part combined reference reviews, focus group discussions, and experts’ reviews in order to build a questionnaire. This online-based questionnaire contained a set of 68 questions inquiring participants’ lifestyles and preference for aesthetics. The scores were then translated, which showed that the general Taiwanese’s preference can be devided into eight define aesthetic factors: fashion, new luxury, aesthetic knowledge, romance and juvenility, unique taste, artistry, self-reflection, and simplicity. Further analysis showed that the general population can be devided into five aesthetic groups: the philosopher for simple aesthetic lifestyle, the beginner in aesthetics, the practitioner in handcraft, the, Mori-aesthetic illusionist, and the fashion pioneer. These groups form something known as an aesthetic level. The theory behind the graduation in esthetic level is similar to that of Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory. Once a group standard in the aesthetic level has been met, a person may be promoted to the following standard when he have enough aesthetic knowledge or may promoted to the three way of differ aesthetic level. Those people that are placed in the highest and most ideal standard level, which is not included within these five groups, are considered to have a mature and harmonious mind. The second part was conducted on the choice of three common product samples: mobile phones, cars and watches. In addition, the products’ affect on costumers’ preferences were also carefully examined. The results of both first and second parts were combined and, using the chi-square and the discriminant analysis, we found that there was a significant relationship between the factors of aesthetic lifestyle and partiality factors involved in consumers’ decisions in the sample products. It was especially noticeable that the people characterized as ' new luxury' type are more likely to pay more of their attentions to the 'brand' of the products. The value not only the name that comes with the product, but also the pride and attentions that attach.
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