標題: 相倚-山海經公仔創作
Interdependence - The Creation of Shan Hai Jing figure
作者: 林筱涵
Lin, Hsiao-Han
Lai, Wen-Shu
關鍵字: 山海經;公仔創作;文化創意產業;Shan Hai Jing;figure;Cultural and Creative Industr
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 「相倚」公仔創作系列,是作者選擇《山海經》書中出現的具有吉禍徵兆寓意的角色作為載體,擷取自身獨特生命經驗作為內涵,所創作出的系列作品,利用立體創作的形式向觀賞者介紹山海經這風格獨具的中國經典古著, 同時也將私人情感轉化至藝術造型語彙上,達到創作者抒發情感與推廣文化的雙重目的。並藉由此創作,呈現《山海經》不同風貌的獨創性,期望作品能引發觀者閱讀《山海經》的興趣,並進而喜愛它,透過這樣的方式希望能對傳統文化的推廣盡一份心力。
“ interdependence” is a series of figure. The author was inspired by the monsters in the Chinese ancient book “Shan Hi Jing” and chose eight monsters as the characters of the figuring sculptures of this series work. Each figure represents good or bad luck with implied meanings. Also, it shows the author’s unique life experiences. Besides, the presentation of figuring sculptures can bring out its distinction of “Shan Hi Jing” to the viewers. At the same time, the artist transformed her personal emotions into artistic languages and forms. Therefore, through the artistic expression and the interwoven meanings, the artist intended to use this body of work as an important vehicle for passing on cultural heritage. Hopefully, the artist’s efforts will make a contribution to the cultural and creative industry in Taiwan

By this series of pieces, I try to create a different style of “Shan Hi Jing” in order to attract people to read “Shan Hi Jing,” and so to love it. Overall, I expect that my creation will be beneficial to popularize the “Shan Hi Jing” and our Cultural.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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