標題: 仿生軟性表皮參數式設計與施作流程研究
A Framework for the Parametric Design of the Bionic Soft-Skin
作者: 邱筠穎
Chiu, Yun-Ying
Liu, Yun-Tung
Hou, June- Hao
關鍵字: 軟性表皮;仿生建築;參數設計;Grasshopper;Soft Skin;Bionic Architecture;Parametric Design;Grasshopper
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 在自由形體創作設計中,被建造實體化的案例大多為具有骨架(bones)與表皮(skin)的自由形體,或是以骨架為組構方式的自由形體。僅由皮層組成的軟性表皮(soft-skin)自由形體案例較少被實際建造出或是停滯於電腦模擬的數位模型,操作流程相較於其他案例亦是較不透明化,沒有一定的準則可供參考。 基於參數式環境(parametric environments)與生態學(biology)的基礎下,如何設計沒有骨架、僅由皮層組構成的軟性表皮自由形體?而軟性表皮設計的數位模型被實體化建造又該如何操作? 本研究試圖藉由案例分析(case study)擬出一套初步軟性表皮設計與施作流程,接著以此流程作為基礎框架(framework),實際操作一個仿生軟性表皮(bionic soft-skin)參數式設計與實體化建造。經由紀錄在Grasshopper參數式環境中的仿生軟性表皮設計操作與實體模型的施作流程(manufacturing process),擬出第二套設計與施作流程流程,比較前後流程之差異與缺失,提出一套完整的流程做為未來軟性表皮自由形體設計者的參考。
This paper is a presentation of the preliminary framework for the design and fabrication of the soft-skin. Today, the digital technology applied in the architecture field is everywhere. However, there are still lots of fantastic free form architecture uncompleted and remained on the paper architecture or only the digital visual simulated model. Until now, most of the finished free form cases are consisted of the skin and bones, or only the bones. The complete soft-skin cases without the bones are fewer and the process remains untold. Based on the parametric environments and biology, how might you design a free form without the bones? How could you make the soft skin stand up? After the case study and the integration of the initial framework, the research starts a series of exploration of bionic soft-skin design and fabrication in the Grasshopper and CAM process, and seeks to propose the preliminary framework as a helpful reference for the designers who deal with the soft skin project.


  1. 751001.pdf

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