標題: 風格化的漫畫排版─從電影鏡頭到特色化的漫畫排版
Stylized Comic Layout Simulation—From Movie Shots to Specific Stylized Comic Layout
作者: 姚靜玫
Yao, Ching-Mei
Shih, Zen-Chung
關鍵字: 漫畫排版;多目標模擬退火法;非擬真繪圖;comic layout;Multi-Objective Simulated Annealing;NPR
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 本論文提供一個自動化的風格化的漫畫排版系統。針對從一部電影中所截取出的關鍵網格,提供一個風格較生動的漫畫排版。本系統改進了之前的漫畫式排版不像漫畫、無閱讀順序以及太呆板的問題,考慮到電影劇情情緒的因素,產生一個適合電影、有敘事性且較生動的漫畫排版。我們師法日式漫畫,收集整理許多漫畫家所建議,在漫畫排版上所使用的規則做為我們風格化排版的依據。根據這些規則,本方法定義了一個能量函數,藉由解此能量函數來找出一個最佳排版。風格化的漫畫排版是一個多目標最佳化問題,因此我們採用多目標模擬退火法來解。最後,本系統亦實作兩個非擬真繪圖演算法,模擬漫畫網點效果與彩色漫畫效果,並在結果放置對話氣泡。
This thesis proposes an algorithm for automatically generating a stylized comic layout from a sequence of keyframes extracted from a movie. Stylized comic layout is defined as a multiple objective optimization problem and the solution is solved based on simulated annealing. Our proposed approach improves previous solutions; we keep the narrative while providing a vivid layout related to the movie on several phases such as emotion. To simulate a stylized layout, we first conduct a preliminary statistics for existing Japanese Manga, and collect the rules of comic layout that comic artists suggest. Then we use these data as heuristics to develop an energy function and Simulated Annealing is applied to optimize the layout. Finally, to accomplish the comic, the system also employs two techniques which include NPR and bubble placement.