标题: 台湾无线连接晶片设计公司竞争力分析
The Competition Advantages Analysis of Taiwan Wireless Connectivity IC Design Houses
作者: 蒋益杰
Chiang, Yi-Jye
Chu, Po-Young
关键字: 无线连接晶片;无线网路;蓝牙;Wireless Connectivity IC;Wireless Network;Bluetooth
公开日期: 2009
摘要: 本研究以回顾WLAN产业历史,及全球无线连接晶片的市场技术,来探讨台湾无线连接晶片设计公司的核心竞争力。利用SWOT来分析,台湾无线连接晶片产业的现况。藉由市场及技术的分析,提出台湾无线连接晶片产业的未来发展,并提出五种不同合作模式,做为未来无线晶片产业的可能趋势。虽然WLAN产业的历史并不长,但台湾投入其WLAN产业却很早,成绩也不错。WLAN现已成为无线连接产业的一环,而且也是一个成长的市场,在不同的市场皆有WLAN的需求,也很适合台湾人才和资源的持续投入。虽然全球无线连接晶片产业,有些不利于台湾WLAN产业的发展,例如,高整合度的趋势,帄台的结合以及大陆公司采取的低价策略等等。但是,危机相对的也是转机,高整合度的同时,台积电的晶元圆制程也愈往高阶发展。这有利于WLAN晶片设计公司整合其它技术(例如BT),当台湾的WLAN晶片设计公司跟上高整合度的趋势,也可有效的阻挡大陆设计公司的低价策略。台湾WLAN晶片设计公司在技术上,必须要强化技术扎根,积极参与标准的制定,并在整合技术及低功耗上,有效的购并或技术合作。以期突破不同技术的整合及低功耗多重门槛,藉由降低成本(COST DOWN) 及价值提(VALUE UP)的方式来创造台湾WLAN晶片产业的蓝海。
This research discussed the core competence of Taiwan wireless connectivity companies by reviewing the history of WLAN industry & the market of wireless connectivity. A SWOT analysis is used to analyze current market of Taiwan wireless connectivity industry. The future market development of Taiwan wireless connectivity IC design industry is explored through detail analysis of market and technology. Five different cooperation models have been proposed for the trend of Taiwan wireless connectivity industry in the future.
Taiwan is one of the countries who jumped in WLAN industry at early stage with very outstanding achievement. WLAN now is part of the food chain of wireless connectivity market and is still growing. There are different demands in different market segments. Therefore, keep investing resource including engineering and Sales/Marketing in this industry is still a good idea and adequate approach. Although there are some market trends which are threatening Taiwan wireless connectivity industry, for examples, the trend of high integration with other technologies, integration with platforms (such as Mobil, TV …) and low market price strategy of some China design houses. However, the critical point is also a turning point. TSMC’s process has moved to high end, such as 40nm and 28nm, which can help WLAN IC design houses to integrate other technologies, such as BT. The low market price strategy from China design houses will be blocked out effectively when Taiwan WLAN design Houses can keep up with the trend of high integration with other technologies.
Taiwan WLAN IC design houses have to emphasize its technology including participating the standard organization to propose technologies. By effective M&A or cooperation in technology to break through the barrier of high integration with other technologies and low power consumption technology, we can create the blue ocean by cost down as well as value up.