DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorWang, Chien-Kuoen_US
dc.contributor.authorYang, Chyanen_US
dc.description.abstractLCD驅動IC設計公司技術門檻並不算高,算是成熟型的產品,產品銷售也有淡季及旺季之分。在台灣有幾家上市公司都是世界級的設計公司了,如聯詠及奇景,另有幾家小型驅動IC設計公司,旭曜及奕力,是後期的加入者,小型驅動IC設計公司如何能從這些領導廠商中殺出血路,並能繼續存在於業界,是本文所感興趣的。一個成熟型的紅海市場,要找出生存利基本來就不容易 關鍵時刻的關鍵策略扮演的腳色,影響公司未來的成敗。 具體而言,本研究之目的歸納如下: 一 嘗試藉由過去文獻所提之 IC設計公司的關鍵成功因素,來釐清TFT LCD 驅動IC設計公司個別的背景,及其所用的策略。並藉由對於個案公司的年報觀察,找出這些TFT LCD 驅動IC設計公司的共通點與差異處,以做為未來經營的參考。 二 探討台灣TFT LCD驅動IC 設計公司,聯詠,奇景,旭曜,奕力,近幾年營運效率與獲利效能,比較其經營模式及績效的差距。 三 從這些綜合分析比對及龍頭公司的成功經驗,針對現在小型驅動IC設計公司,旭曜及奕力,作出未來擴張成長的建議。 本論文建議這兩家小型驅動IC設計公司未來必須採取的擴張策略是不同的,誰的執行力好而且在最短時間內搶進營收快速成長的門票,誰就有可能是在三到五年內成為僅次於聯詠的台灣第二大驅動IC設計公司。營收不能達到經濟規模的小型驅動IC設計公司,無法在市場上發揮影響力,也沒有能力引進策略性的晶圓代工及封測夥伴。那些無法走向正向發展循環的小型驅動IC設計公司逐漸喪失競爭力,一段時間後將被客戶及市場淘汰。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe technology barrier of LCD Driver IC Design Houses is not high. LCD Driver IC are mature product. There are hot and slow seasons for these product. There are world class driver IC companies like Novatek and Himax in Taiwan. There are also some small LCD Driver IC companies like ILITEK and Orise which are new comers. Small Diver IC companies like ILITEK and Orise, how to make a successful business when competing with these leading companies, are the interest of this research. Key Strategy in the key moment will decide win or loss of the company. And it is not easy to find niche from a bloody market like LCD Driver ICs. In summary, the research goal of this thesis is : 1.Based on the previous articles of “key success factor of IC design house” to figure out the individual background and strategy of TFT LCD Driver IC design houses. By the study of annual report of these companies to find out the common and difference of these companies for the reference of business operation. 2.From the business operation efficiency and performance of recent years to compare the business models and performance of TFT LCD Driver IC companies like Novatek, Himax, Orise and ILITEK. 3.Based on the successful experience of leading companies like Novatek and Himax, this research will make some recommendation of growing strategy to small LCD Driver IC companies like ILITEK and Orise. This research suggest ILITEK and Orise should use different growing strategy, which company can make such a strategy and good execution, who will be the 2nd large LCD Driver IC in Taiwan within 3 to 5 years, only inferior to Novatek. Those small LCD Driver IC companies that can not reach economic revenue scale will not be important in the market . Those small LCD Driver IC companies that can not run into positive cycles and lose the competition power ,incapable to have strategy partners like Foundry and Testing/Packaging Houses, will be gradually forgotten by the customer and market in the long run.en_US
dc.subjectLCD 驅動 ICzh_TW
dc.subjectLCD Driver ICen_US
dc.titleFrom Taiwan LCD Driver IC Business Operation Status to Find Out the Growing Strategy of Small LCD Driver IC Companiesen_US