Title: | 台灣休閒鞋通路經營策略之研究-以A公司為例 The Research on Management Strategy of The Recreation Shoes Retailers - The Case of A Company |
Authors: | 秦蕙盈 Chin, Hui-Ying 楊千 Yang, Chyan 管理學院資訊管理學程 |
Keywords: | 休閒鞋;經營策略;五力分析;SWOT分析;Recreation Shoes;Management Strategy;Five Force Analysis;SWOT |
Issue Date: | 2011 |
Abstract: | 近年來,台灣幾間大型的連鎖休閒鞋通路商,其所發展出來的行銷模式及經濟規模效應,逐漸擠壓中小型休閒鞋通路商的市場生存空間;再加上世界經濟局勢前景不明朗,民間消費支出銳減,更造成無經濟規模能力、不具特色和競爭力的店家紛紛關閉。本研究的個案公司─A公司,是一間具有二十多年歷史的小型休閒鞋通路商,在這期間,即使經歷過台灣股市萬點崩盤、亞洲金融風暴、SARS甚至是雷曼兄弟倒閉等等的經濟風暴,迄今仍然屹立不搖。然而,在面對大型的連鎖休閒鞋通路商持續展店策略的威脅、以及兩岸簽署ECFA開放市場的外在環境變動威脅之下,期望透過本研究,來檢視個案公司現行的經營策略,是否足以因應日益嚴峻的挑戰。 因此,本研究首先使用PORTER五力競爭模型,來瞭解休閒鞋通路產業之環境競爭現況,接著運用SWOT分析方法以及行銷4P策略模型,來研究探討個案公司現行的經營策略,在當前產業競爭環境下的競爭優勢與劣勢;並進一步運用SWOT策略矩陣,為個案公司找出可以改進的方向。接著再透過與企業內部人員以及重要消費者進行訪談,將訪談結果與前述之分析結果進行比對,從而得到最終的研究分析成果。 研究結果指出 : (1)現有產業競爭趨勢呈現大者恆大的局面,小廠商經營困難。(2)因應現有產業競爭趨勢,個案公司需要加強供應商管理的能力。(3)因應現有產業競爭趨勢,個案公司需要加強內部管理的整合能力。(4)服務品質為個案公司現有的競爭優勢中,最獲得肯定的評比項目。最後,本研究針對個案公司現行經營策略中可以再強化之處,提出建議以供參考。 In recent years, chain stores of recreation shoes have developed unique marketing models and obtained benefit from scale economy, which leads to numerous amount of small and uncompetitive retailers closed. Furthermore, the uncertain future of the world economy also causes downtrend of consuming willing. However, the case A company has just celebrated for its 25th anniversary, although it is under this kind of terrible situation. This research hopes to understand the management strategies of case A company, with following study steps : (A)Analysis the competitive situation of the retailer industry of recreation shoes by using PORTER’s five forces model. (B)Analysis the competitive advantages and disadvantages of the case A company with SWOT analysis and marketing 4P models, and make a SWOT matrix. (C)Interview with internal employees and external customers. (D)Revise the SWOT matrix based on the cross-compared results. The study conclusion including: (1) The industry market is under the situation that the bigger the stronger, which increases difficulties for smaller companies to survive. (2) The ability of supplier management of A company is insufficient. (3) The ability of enterprise integration management of A company is insufficient. (4) The quality of customer service is recognized by customers. Finally, the study also provides three suggestions to improve the competitive shortages of A company. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/46254 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |