Title: 鐵路運輸業旅運服務品質之評估─以S公司為例
Evaluation of Passenger Service Quality in Railway Transportation Industry - A Case Study of S Company
Authors: 蔡守德
Tsai, Shou-Te
Feng, Cheng-Min
Keywords: 服務接觸;服務品質;服務藍圖;鐵路運輸;PZB服務品質概念模式;Service Encounters;Service Quality;Service Blueprint;Railway Transportation;PZB's Conceptual Model of Service Quality
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 旅運服務的背後,隱含了鐵路營運公司致力於滿足旅客需求,提供安全、準點與舒適的乘車品質所做的努力。以往文獻較多著墨於旅運服務品質分析,而缺乏實際對於鐵路運輸業之服務作業流程與旅客意見亟待改善事項的通盤瞭解。因此,本研究以PZB服務品質概念性模式及SERVQUAL量表為基礎,並運用服務藍圖呈現旅客乘車流程之各項服務接觸點,透過問卷調查資料的分析,加以驗證S公司服務品質缺口之存在與否,藉此瞭解旅客對於提供的旅運服務之期望及實際感受。研究結果顯示,旅客或管理者對各服務品質構面之評價,以「企業使命」構面為最高,「票務系統效率」和「服務多樣性」構面最差。S公司旅客期望的服務水準與其知覺的服務水準有顯著差異(缺口5);S公司營運部門管理階層認知旅客期望的服務水準與旅客本身期望的服務水準有顯著差異(缺口1)。最後,依據S公司旅運服務品質缺口1與缺口5之研究結果,提出消弭缺口以改善客訴情形之具體可行的措施,作為未來服務品質改善之參考。
Behind the transportation service, the safe, punctual and comfort ride deliverd by the railway companies are always available to ensure the service level can satisfy with the requirement for passenger service. Reference is made to PZB model, SERVQUAL measurement, the service quality gap will be evaluated through the study of service blueprints and service encounters of passenger delivery, be tested by the questionary. It is to facilitate the understanding of the expected and percepted service level from the passengers. At last, according to the research of Gap 1 and Gap 5 for the service quality of passenger delivery by S company, the feasible measures to eliminate the gap to improve the passenger complaints will be taken.
Appears in Collections:Thesis