標題: 供應鏈作業參考模式於筆記型電腦之採購分析
Analysis of Notebook Purchase by SCOR Model
作者: 王瑞麟
Wang, Jui-Lin
Feng, Cheng-Min
關鍵字: 供應鏈作業參考模式;績效指標;筆記型電腦;SCOR Model;performance indexes;Notebook
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 筆記型電腦產業從上游到下游,其供應鏈成員眾多,因此如何建構一個完整且有效率的上、中、下游供應鏈體系,使其在成本、品質、交期、彈性和服務等方面獲得重大成效,以提高企業之競爭優勢,已是該產業目前所面臨最重要的議題。企業已經體認到有效的供應鏈管理模式是企業生存與競爭的法則。本研究主要以SCOR模式中第二層之採購流程作為考量,採用問卷調查收集相關資料,並以逐步迴歸分析方法找出第二層採購流程中十項顯著的績效指標,再擴大至第三層流程元素,同時找出第三層中二十二項顯著的績效指標。據本研究結果獲悉第二與第三層的績效指標中,都有一項是與成本有關的績效指標,說明在筆記形電腦產業面對微利時代,採購人員對於採購成本是錙銖必較。同時對於滿足客戶的需求訂單的履行也是重要的績效指標。可以依據結果系統化建置筆記型電腦產業供應鏈採購模式及績效指標,作為未來在管理供應鏈時的參考。
There are many supply chain members in Notebook industry from the raw material suppliers to downstream; therefore, how to build an intact and efficient supply chain system and get a great effect on cost, quality, delivery, flexibility and service to enhance the companies’ competitiveness has already been the most important topic of the Notebook industry. Enterprises have recognized that an effective supply chain management is a principle of enterprises surviving and competitiveness. This research considers the source flow in level 2 of SCOR model. Through the questionnaires to collect data and find out the 10 significant performance indexes in level 2, then extend to level 3 by stepwise; which find out 22 significant level 3 performance indexes as well. According to this research, it can be aware of that one performance index which is related to the cost appears in the performance indexes of level 2 and level 3 as well, it evidences that the Notebook industry is in the status of lower margin, the buyers must treat the purchasing cost as a extremely serious issue. To fulfill the customer order demand is the significant indexes as well. Depending on the result of this research, it can be a basis to build the purchase model and performance indexes for the supply chain in Notebook industry by systematic way. It also can be a reference for managing the supply chain in the future.