標題: 以資源基礎理論探討國內3C通路賣場之競爭優勢及經營策略
A Study of Competitive Advantage and Management Strategy of Dometic 3C Retailers from Resourse Based View
作者: 石耀麟
Shih, Yao-Lin
Yang, Chyan
關鍵字: 燦坤3C;資源基礎理論;競爭優勢;TKEC;RBV;Competitive Advange
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 隨著電子科技產品的日新月異及消費模式改變,愈來愈多消費者習慣前往大型3C連鎖消費購物,而依據國內連鎖加盟協會統計,目前國內3C通路門市據點近1000家,其競爭之激烈及對消費者影響程度可見一般。因此本研究以資源基礎理論為研究基礎,試圖探討目前國內連鎖3C通路賣場之競爭優勢及經營策略,其中主要以最大之通路「燦坤3C」為研究對象,分別就其公司之核心價值、競爭策略及競爭優勢等議題作深入訪談及探討,最後以財務結構、行銷通路、研發創新及客戶關係四個面向,歸納出燦坤之核心資源及競爭優勢。 研究結果顯示燦坤具有之核心資源及優勢包括 1. 燦坤創辦人之研發創新精神,在其小家電製造及3C流通累積一定的能力及成果,作為累積後續發展之基石。 2. 內部具獨特的組織文化及系統架構,可有效連結各營運單位運作。 3. 獨特之行銷模式,故可創造更多銷售話題並吸引廣大消費者前往消費。 4. 眾多的銷售據點及銷售品項,可多樣化調整及組合其銷售商品,以滿足不同消費者需求。 5. 良好之供應商關係及進貨條件保障,可獲得相較於其他同業較佳之進貨資源,以維持其市場領先地位。 6. 具有一定之資金實力,可有效擴充其營運規模並和供應商議得良好之進貨條件。 7. 面對外在環境變化及市場競爭,燦坤仍需持續維持其競爭優勢並做必要之調整,以鞏固其市場領先地位並創造更多佳績。 關鍵字:燦坤3C、資源基礎理論、競爭優勢
With continuing advancements in electronic products and changes in consumption patterns, an increasing number of consumers are getting into the habit of making their purchases in large 3C chain stores. Currently, according to the Association of Chain and Franchise Promotion, Taiwan, there are approximately 1,000 3C stores located across the country. It is evident that competition between these stores is fierce and the influence that they have on consumers is profound. Using resource-based view (RBV), we conducted in-depth interviews to investigate the core values, business strategies, and competitive advantages of the largest 3C chain in Taiwan, "TKEC 3C." We outlined TKEC’s core resources and competitive advantages based on its financial structure, marketing channels, development, innovation, and customer relations. The results of the study summarize the characteristics as follows: 1. The innovative spirit of the TKEC founder, and his dedication to R&D have facilitated the development of its core abilities and achievements in the manufacturing of home appliances and the distribution of 3C products; and these core qualities serve as the foundation for future development. 2. The unique culture of the organization, as well as the architecture of the system effectively links the operation of various discrete business units. 3. The unique marketing model of the organization has increases sales volume and attracted more customers. 4. The large number of the stores and the wide selection of products have allowed for diverse modifications and innovative products combinations to meet various consumer needs. 5. Sound relationships with suppliers and the security of purchasing conditions have enabled TKEC to obtain better resources and maintain its leading position in the market. 6. The organization’s financial strength has enabled the expansion of its operating scale and facilitated negotiations with suppliers. 7. Facing the changes in external environmental and market competition, TKEC needs to maintain its competitive advantage by making the adjustments to strengthen its market leadership and continue its success. Keywords: TKEC 3C, resource-based view (RBV), competitive advantage


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