Title: 我國個人電腦零售店面競爭利基之研究
A Study of Competitive Advantage of Taiwan’s PC Outlets
Authors: 萬閔銓
Min-Chyuan Wan
Hsiao-Cheng Yu
Keywords: 個人電腦;零售店面;行銷通路;競爭優勢;Personal Computer;Retail Outlet;Marketing Channel;Competitive Advantage
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 我國個人電腦產業處於嚴峻的全球競爭,即使連個人電腦零售店面也都面臨經營型態上的重大衝擊。本篇論文的目的在探討台灣個人電腦零售店面之經營型態與競爭策略。
The global market of personal computer (PC) been under keen competition in recent years. This thesis is devoted to analyzing the business models ,the market structure and the competitive strategies of Taiwan PC outlets.
Taiwan’s PC outlets can be categorized into four sectors: the traditional PC shops, the community shops, the PC malls, and the PC retail chains. Among them, the traditional PC shops focus on “low price” strategy; the community shops emphasize on “convenience and localization”; PC malls focus on “big show space and one-stop-shopping”; PC retail chains rely on “multiple services and rich supply of products”. This study addresses this topic from two aspects, “market structure outside the operation of a PC outlet. and “the management issues inside the operation of a PC outlet”, to analyze the conditions of Taiwan’s PC outlets.
Taiwan’s PC outlets are found to exercise four types of competitive strategies: price, cost, products and marketing. This study concludes that the price, cost, location, cash control, and service are four key success factors of Taiwan’s PC outlets. Taiwan’s PC outlets are recommended to build a cooperative relationship with the suppliers, expand the product lines, adopt advanced information technology, establish brand name, and recruit competent employees.
Appears in Collections:Thesis