標題: 即期食品雜貨通路商業模式分析: 以即品網為例
Near-Expiration Grocery Outlet Business Model Analysis: A Case Study of Foodoutlet.com
作者: 蘇建豪
Su, Chien-Hao
Han, Anthony F.
關鍵字: 即期商品;暢貨通路;商業模式;Near-expiration Grocery;Retail Outlet;Business Model
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 即期食品與其它商品的差別只是在有效期限長短的不同,兩者的在其它方面並無不同。零售通路商不希望有銷售時間上的壓力,如無法在到期前出售完畢,將會造成財務的損失與資源的浪費;食品供應商也不願意有過多即將到期的庫存。如將這兩類的商品在同一通路販售,將可能產生利益衝突。如:時尚商品在過季後,被送到該品牌的outlet販售,不影響佔用一般店面的資源與可以持續貢獻收益。因此,需要有不同的通路來銷售。在台灣,個案公司(即品網)為第一家專營即期商品的生意,是一個獨特的通路。透過分析該公司的商業模式,找出如何讓消費者持續回流購買商品,採用什麼樣的策略,得以在競爭的通路中存活並脫穎而出。 本研究主要是採用Osterwalder與 Pigneur (2010) 的商業模式分析為藍本,找出個案公司的關鍵成功因素,提出銷售即期商品生意的發展方向與面對的挑戰。
The difference between near-expiration food and normal ones was the time period close to or far away the expiration dates. There were no specific differences in other aspects. Retailers did not want to sell items with time limitations. If they were not able to sell out inventories, a financial loss and wasted resource would occur. Similarly, food suppliers did not want to have surpassed inventories close to expiration dates. The conflict of interest occurred when these two types of items sold in the same channels. Take fashion apparel as examples. After out of seasons, they moved to outlets with its brand name. Out-of-fashion items could keep contributing the revenue without occupying resources of conventional stores. In Taiwan, the case company, Foodoutlet.com, was the first firm ran its business specialized on near-expiration groceries. It was a unique channel for food industry. By analyzing the business model of the case company, Foodoutlet.com, we could know why customers kept contributing the firm’s revenue streams and what strategies or tactics were deployed to compete with others in the competitive market. This study was based on the business model analysis developed by Osterwalder and Pigneur (2010) to find out the key successful factors of the case company and to propose the opportunities and challenges on the near-expiration grocery business.