DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorLai, Tzu-Lingen_US
dc.contributor.authorHwang, Ming-Jiuen_US
dc.description.abstract電子期刊為目前圖書館不可或缺的重要館藏資源,但近年來,電子期刊價格高漲,在圖書館經費短缺之下,如何深入瞭解Open Access並重新規劃圖書館電子期刊之結構與因應對策,為一重要課題。本研究延續黃瑞娟於2005年之實證調查方式,以清華大學圖書館為個案,將該館2001~2005年所訂購理工類七個領域之電子期刊進行抽樣,就相同的研究範圍,進一步探討、比較2005年與2009年兩時段之研究結果,並分析各領域Open Access之發展情形與趨勢,此外,並針對抽樣文章Toll Access與Open Access被引用的情況,以及引用優勢進行研究調查與分析。 研究結果發現,600篇樣本中,於2009年,平均37%可在網路上免費取得全文,其中電腦科學領域平均比例為58%,物理領域平均比例更高達60%;且經過四年的發展,各領域Open Access的數量與比例均呈現明顯成長,平均增加15%。整體而言,Open Access平均被引用次數為17,平均引用優勢約為55%,其表現均比Toll Access更為突出,本研究成果除了驗證近年來Open Access發展的績效,及其具有提升文章能見度、增加文章引用率之引用優勢外,亦提供圖書館界另一解決方案,值得在規劃與建立電子資源館藏時積極導入。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn present, Electronic Serial is an indispensable collection resource in library. However, in recent years, it is an important subject to understand Open Access and re-plan Electronic Serial architecture and solutions due to the raising price of Electronic Serial and insufficient fund. This Study is based on Jui-chuang Huang’s empirical investigation in 2005. And, this study is going to use the electronic periodic series which purchased by the National Tsing Hua University (NTHU) of Taiwan as an example. The samples include seven domains were obtained from the science and engineering from 2001 to 2005. Use the same samples to compare the research findings of 2005 and 2009 and to analyze the developments and trends in these domains in Open Access. In addition, this study is going to investigate and analyze the status of how many times these samples are citied and citation advantages of Toll Access and Open Access. According to this research result in 2009 that in 600 samples, the average 37% of full text information can be obtained free in the Internet, 58% for computer science and 61% for physics. Through development of four years, there is a significantly growth in quantity and proportion in these domains, with an average increase by 15%. As a whole, Open Access performs better than Toll Access. The average citation of Open Access is 17, and citation advantage is 55%. This study could provide data to prove the effects of Open Access development in recent years and the citation advantages of Open Access, such as improving visibility and higher citation rate. Moreover, it could be another solution for librarians when planning and establishing electronic resources.en_US
dc.subjectOpen Accessen_US
dc.subjectCitation Advantageen_US
dc.subjectCollection Developmenten_US
dc.titleOpen Access發展趨勢與引用優勢之研究zh_TW
dc.titleThe Development Trend and Citation Advantage of Open Accessen_US


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