標題: Open Access對圖書館電子資源規劃影響之研究
A study of the impact of Open Access on electronic resource planning of libraries
作者: 黃瑞娟
Jui-Chuang Huang
Ming-Jiu Hwang
關鍵字: 開放式取用;開放式取用期刊;自我典藏;電子資源;館藏發展;學術溝通;Open Access;Open Access Journal;Self-Archiving;Electronic Resources;Collection Development;Scholarly Communication
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 近20年來,學術期刊價格不斷飆漲,在預算限制下,許多學術機構刪訂期刊或減少圖書採購,嚴重影響教學研究的進行,形成所謂的期刊危機(Serials Crisis),不堪負荷的大學、研究機構紛紛尋求各種反制及解決之道,Open Access觀念於是應時而生。 本研究從經濟、技術、管理及使用等面向探討Open Access,以清大圖書館為個案,進行Open Access之Gold Road及Green Road現況之調查,並以理工類的七個領域做深入的研究及分析。在OA Gold Road方面,Computer Science和Engineering的OA期刊最多;在Green Road方面,從2001到2005的抽樣調查中發現,理工七個領域訂購期刊中平均22%可以在網路上免費取得全文,其中Computer Science平均比例39%,Physics的比例更高達45%,如此高的比例,非常值得圖書館在建立電子館藏時積極導入。最後本研究建議圖書館,面對網路上豐沛的OA資源應以多重館藏發展模式來建立電子館藏,並再次從經濟、技術、管理及使用等面向,提出圖書館在規劃電子資源時,可參考的方向。
For the last 20 years, the prices of academic journals have kept rising at an astonishing rate. Many academic institutions, under budgetary limitation, have decreased the purchase of journals and books. As a result, the progress of curricular and research activities have been severely impacted. The so-called "Serials Crisis" has initiated insufferable universities and research institutions alike to come up with countermeasures and solutions. It is time that the concept of Open Access being brought to broad attention. This research, using University Library of NTHU as a study case, examines Open Access from economical, technological, managerial, and usage perspectives and surveys the status of Gold Road and Green Road of Open Access, with more detailed research and analysis in seven fields of science and engineering disciplines. In OA Gold Road, Computer Science and Engineering has the most OA journals. In Green Road, the survey conducted in 2001 to 2005 shows that 22% of the ordered academic journals in the seven selected fields can be found free on the web. On average, OA articles have reached 39% in the field of Computer Science. In the field of Physics, an amazing 45% of the articles are OA. Therefore, it is very beneficial to include OA resources as a part of the electronic collection of the libraries. This research suggests the building of electronic collection in a multiple collection development model which encompasses ample OA resources on the web for electronic resource planning of the libraries in economical, technological, managerial and usage perspectives.


  1. 760101.pdf
  2. 760102.pdf

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