Title: 創新科技成功商業化並開拓市場-以iPanel 營運計畫書為例
An Innovative Technology Succeeds in Commercialization and Launching to the Market--Business Plan of iPanel
Authors: 于秀美
Keywords: 營運計劃書;光學觸控;科技商業化;business plan;optical touch;technology commercialization
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 2007年iPhone的成功上市引領了觸控風潮,也刺激了消費者對觸控的需求,但一般人對於觸控的印象往往僅於小型攜帶裝置,如手機、GPS等。中大尺寸的觸控侷限於ATM或是一些大型的資訊顯示系統並未普及到一般消費者的個人裝置,因為必須負擔昂貴的價格、傳統技術造成硬體重量較重,並且無十分吸引人的觸控應用軟體。但在新的技術逐漸克服這些困難,且隨著2009年Windows 7的推出、2010年的蘋果電腦所推出的新一代平版電腦iPad和雲端計算的推出,中大尺寸觸控的應用再次吸引大家的目光。 本研究以一個案公司之營運計劃為主軸,藉由為此公司撰寫營運計劃協助此公司了解市場並擬定未來發展方向以吸引投資人的投資。本研究之新創技術為光學觸控技術,目前市場上並未有很多的競爭者,而市場上對於中大尺寸的觸控發展也一直抱持著懷疑的態度,個案公司要如何說服投資者相信此技術的前景,一個公司又要如何將一個新創技術成功商業化,為本研究所要探討。
Because of the successful launch of iPhone, it stimulates the demand for touch function. However, most people only pay attention to small size touch screen, like cell phone and GPS. Because of expensive price, limitation on technology, and no killer application for large size touch screen, touch function is only applied on ATM and larger public information displays. However, with advanced technologies, and the launch of Windows 7 in 2009, Apple iPad in 2010, and the cloud computing, the application in medium and large size touch screen attracts people attention again. This study is based on the case company’s business plan, and the innovative technology is optical touch. This study is to cooperate with the company to investigate the market opportunity, make this technology commercialized successfully, and get the funding from venture capital.
Appears in Collections:Thesis