標題: 以音樂使用為調節變數探討銀行員的情緒失衡對工作倦怠及焦慮的影響
Emotional dissonance, job burnout and anxiety in bank workers - music used as a moderator
作者: 謝易原
Hsieh, I-Yuan
Tseng, Fang-Tai
Wang, Yau-De
關鍵字: 情緒失衡;工作倦怠;情緒耗竭;焦慮;音樂;emotional dissonance;job burnout;anxiety;music
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 聖嚴法師曾說:「泥人還有個土性。」,連泥塑的娃娃都有自己的脾氣,人怎麼可能沒有呢?人會發脾氣、會鬧情緒,是一件理所當然的事。組織中的員工,在面對工作和與人互動的過程中,難免都會產生各種情緒。加上中國傳統上是個階級分化的社會。長幼與尊卑間的互動,往往只有單方的權威、單向的尊重,而缺少互相尊重的互動。員工受此傳統禮教所束縛,進而在面對主管時壓抑自己本身的情緒不敢表現出來,而在與平輩相處時亦然,傳統禮教教人壓抑情緒(如:男兒有淚不輕彈、打落牙齒和血吞…等),使得國人往往會壓抑自己本身真實的情緒,表現出符合禮教的情緒,進而產生了情緒失衡。 本研究主要在探討情緒失衡、工作倦怠與焦慮的相互關係,而音樂的使用為調節變數藉以瞭解在面對情緒失衡時對於工作倦怠及焦慮的影響,及探討人口統計變數(性別、婚姻、教育程度、年齡、服務年資與工作時數)對於情緒失衡、工作倦怠及焦慮…等構面的影響,以銀行員為研究對像。共收回248份有效問卷,以此研究資料,利用SPSS中的描述性統計、回歸分析、ANOVA 與信度分析等統計方法,得到以下結論: 1. 銀行員的情緒失衡、工作倦怠及焦慮皆相當嚴重。工作倦怠中,尤其以情緒耗竭最為嚴重。情緒失衡與工作倦怠及焦慮之間有顯著的正相關。 2. 銀行員的音樂使用度越高,情緒失衡對工作倦怠的影響越低
People are expected to conform to social or organizational norms regarding the display of emotion. Emotional dissonance has been described as a situation when an employee is required to display an emotion that is not genuinely felt in the particular situation (Hochschild, 1983). This article examines the emotional dissonance of bank workers and their relationship to the job burnout and anxiety in a sample of Taiwan bank workers (N = 248) , whether music used played a moderating role in the emotional dissonance -burnout process and emotional dissonance-anxiety process. The data showed that emotional dissonance had effect on burnout and anxiety. In the moderating effect, most emotional dissonance in low-music-used groups influenced job burnout and anxiety more significantly than higher-music-used groups.


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