Title: 電子發票價值創新商業模式探討
An Innovation Business Model of e- Invoice Applications
Authors: 陳冠廷
Chen, Kuan-Ting
Chu, Po-Young
Keywords: 商業模式;電子發票;價值創新;business model;electronic invoices;value innovation
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 台灣的統一發票行之有年,尤以發票本身可以對獎,讓消費者在一年六期的統一發票開獎時可以進行換取獎金。根據財政部資料顯示以及節能減碳的意識抬頭,,政府推廣全面實行電子發票的目標勢在必行。除了減少原物料的消耗降低成本之外,電子發票還能提升各方的效率。本研究發展一全新的電子發票交易平台,透過企業、消費者、公益團體等參與者,創造互惠互利循環的商業模式。透過商業模式相關文獻的探討與創新理論的基礎,解析本研究之電子發票平台商業模式。本研究除了提出新商業模式之外,也為公益團體在紙本發票電子化後,面臨的捐贈困難提出解決方案,增加消費者捐贈意願並擴大原有捐贈市場的價值,創造施與受雙方的多贏。
This research is an innovation business model of e- invoice applications. The business model benefits three parties: enterprises, customers and public interest groups. We analyze the newly developed donation platform of electronic invoices via reviewing related literatures theories of innovation and business model. Taiwan has been using invoices for many years. Customers who hold the invoices would have the chances to win prizes six times a year. However, the environmental protection issue has become more and more important nowadays, it seems that the promotion of electronic invoices by the government is a timely issue. Electronic invoices can reduce the waste of materials, and raise the efficiency of the process. This research is to create a new transaction model as a new application of electronic invoices. As the donation of invoices would decline, therefore we proposed this model trying to solve the problem by considering the interest of all stakeholders.
Appears in Collections:Thesis