Title: 對緊急和窮困類型受害者的捐助行為
The Donation to The Emergent-poor and to The prolonged-poor victims
Authors: 任慈
Jen, Tzu
Chia-Chi Chang
Keywords: 捐助行為;Donation;Time-ask, Money-ask
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 本論文依慈善活動中之受助者所面臨的困境類型,將之分成兩類,其一為 處於急難類型當中的受助者,另一種則為處於窮困類型當中的受助者。前者該 面臨的困境是突然發生的、使受助者之生活與困境發生前產生了落差,而需要 幫助。並且,由於其困境往往是由於臨時的事件所造成,其處於困境的時間相 對較短。而後者面臨的困境則往往是由於長期的貧困,其生活水平是一種穩定 而持續的狀態,經常性的需要幫助,這類型的受助者處於困境的時間相對長許 多。 本研究的兩個實驗旨在探討詢問捐助者捐助時間和金錢的先後順序,以及 慈善文宣的主要訴求兩個變數,是否將影響受試者實際捐助急難類型和窮困類 型之受助者之金額。實驗一之結果顯示,因為時間和金錢激發人們不同的心裡 機制和聯想,故人們在先被詢問捐出金錢的意願時,最終將較傾向於實際捐出 金錢給處於急難類型困境中的受助者。反之,在先被詢問捐出時間的意願時, 人們最終將較傾向於捐助金錢給處於窮困類型中的受助者。實驗二則證實,當 受試者閱讀以引人同情為主要訴求之慈善文宣時,其最終將較傾向實際捐助金 錢予窮困類型之受助者。而閱讀了以激勵人心為主要訴求的慈善文宣之受試者, 則較傾向實際捐助金錢給處於急難類型中的受助者。 綜合本研究所獲之結論,若慈善組織欲幫助急難類型的受助者,先行詢問 捐助者捐助金錢的意願,再問其捐助時間的意願,並使其閱讀已激勵人心為主 要訴求詞慈善文宣,將有效提高其捐款金額,達成幫助受助者之目的。反之, 若欲幫助窮困類型之受助者,則應先行詢問捐款人捐助時間的意願,在詢問其 捐助金錢的意願,並使其閱讀已引人同情文主要訴求之慈善文宣,方能有效提 高其捐款金額。
According to the types of situations that the people in need encountered, the present research divides the victims into two different categories. One of them is the emergent situation, and the other is the poor situation. Victims in the former situation is facing a plight that happens all of a sudden, causing a gap between the victims’original life and the life after the plight happens. Thus making the victims need help. The durations of the situations are often relatively short. However, the victims in the later situation are stay in a constant, long-term situation, which often caused by poor. The two experiments of the research are trying to figure out if the time-ask effect vs. the Money-ask effect and the main appeals of the charity advertisement affect the amount of the donation to the victims in the two different kinds of situations. The results of experiment one shows that due to the different mechanisms that time and money may induce, the participants donate more money to the victims in the emergent situation when they are asked of their intentions to donate money to those victims first, while the participants donate more money to the victims in the poor situation when they are asked of their intentions to donate time to those victims. The results of experiment two indicate that the participants donate more money to the victims in the emergent situation when they are exposed to a charity advertisement with inspiring appeals, while the participants donate more money to the victims in the poor situation when they are exposed to a charity advertisement with sympathetic appeals.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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