標題: 節能家電購買意願分析- 產品知識、環境關心、知覺風險與消費價值之應用
The Purchasing Intention for Energy-Efficient Appliances: Application of Product Knowledge, Environmental Concern, Perceived Risks and Consumption Values
作者: 王妍婷
Wang, Yen-Ting
關鍵字: 環保產品;節能家電;產品知識;環境關心;知覺風險;消費價值;Green product;Energy-efficient appliances;Product knowledge;Environmental concern;Perceived risk;Consumption value
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 對於全球暖化、有限的自然資源及能源成本上升等議題的日益關注,促使更多研究致力於探討綠色消費,幫助人們進行更多的環保行為。然而,過去的研究大部分集中於環保產品的消費者行為,較少聚焦研究節能家電的消費行為。而目前文獻資料對節能家用電器的研究,大部分集中在技術和應用層面的研究領域,相形之下對消費端的研究則是明顯不足。因此,根據過去研究的不足,本研究將探討產品知識、環境關心、知覺風險、消費價值如何影響節能家電之購買意願。在實證調查部分,本研究採取問卷調查與便利抽樣方法,收集有效問卷共計507份,分析方法以結構方程式模型(Structural Equation Modeling,SEM) 驗證研究假設。本研究結果發現產品知識、環境關心及消費價值對購買意願有顯著影響,而知覺風險對購買意願則不具有顯著影響。另外,產品知識及環境關心對消費價值有顯著影響,而知覺風險對消費價值則不具有顯著影響。環境關心對產品知識有顯著影響,而產品知識對知覺風險則不具有顯著影響。
Due to the increase in global warming and climate change, many countries have established regulations to carried out low-carbon economic. According to International Energy Agency (IEA)’s report, the average releasing of Carbon Dioxide has reported to be high compares to other countries in Taiwan. Nevertheless, consumers in Taiwan are optimistically becoming more environmentally conscious. Thus, this cannot deny the fact that green products, such as, energy-efficient appliances are steadily becoming an important core product. Many existing researches has reflected the understanding of consumer’s attitude and purchase intentions towards green products, such as recycled paper, variable-frequency AC.., yet there is still call for researches on energy-efficient appliances. In this context, the study analyses the factors contributing to purchase intention. The objective of this paper is to discuss how product knowledge, environmental concern, perceived risk and consumption value affect customer’s purchase intention toward energy-efficient appliances. The survey is made of 507 valid questionnaires from personal interview, and structural equations models are used to verify the hypotheses relationships. The results show that (1) product knowledge, environmental concern and consumption value significantly influence customer’s purchase intention while perceived risk don’t influence customer’s purchase intention. (2) product knowledge has a significant effect on consumption value, and so does environmental concern. (3) environmental concern has a significant effect on product knowledge. (4) perceived risk has no significant impact on consumption value. (5) product knowledge has no significant impact on perceived risk. These findings have practical implications for business firms in managing green marketing promotions and references for the government.
Appears in Collections:Thesis