標題: 顧客對旅遊網站內容的信任與知覺價值對其購買意願與推薦意願影響之探討
The Study of whether Customers’ Trust and Perceived Value toward Travel Website Content Would Affect their Purchase Intention and Recommendation Intention
作者: 范彩菱
Fan, Tsai-Ling
Yang, Chyan
關鍵字: 旅遊網站內容;知覺價值;信任;購買意願;推薦意願;travel website content;perceived value;trust;purchase intention;recommendation intention
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 本研究主要想瞭解顧客對旅遊網站內容的信任與知覺價值,對顧客的購買意願與推薦意願之影響。有關具體的研究目的如下: 一、旅遊網站的內容對顧客的知覺價值是否有影響? 二、顧客對旅遊網站內容知覺到的價值是否會影響顧客的購買意願? 三、顧客對旅遊網站內容的信任是否會影響顧客的購買意願? 四、顧客對旅遊網站內容的信任是否會影響顧客的推薦意願? 五、顧客的購買意願是否會對他們的推薦意願產生影響? 問卷的題項皆參考國外期刊學者的研究,主要的樣本群體為曾瀏覽過線上旅遊網站的一般消費大眾,且以第十八版的SPSS與AMOS統計套裝軟體為工具來進行資料分析。 本研究採用敘述性統計、信度分析、變異數分析、迴歸分析與結構方程模型等方法進行資料分析,研究結果發現:網頁內容的呈現會影響到消費者對網站的知覺價值,而知覺價值與對網站的信任情況也會影響到消費者的購買意願。另外,不管消費者是否真的有消費,只要他們對網頁內容有信任或對網站上提供的商品有購買意願,消費者也是會有意願向其他想要搜尋相關旅遊消費資訊的周遭朋友推薦該旅遊網站。
This study investigates the relations between travel website content, customer trust, perceived value, purchase intention and recommendation intention. Research questions are listed as follows. First, could travel website content affect customer’s perceived value? Second, could customers’ perceived value toward travel website content affect their purchase intention? Third, could customer trust toward travel website content affect purchase intention? Fourth, could customer trust toward travel website content affect recommendation intention? Fifth, could customers’ purchase intention affect their recommendation intention? All items of the questionnaire were used in previous studies. Samples are those who had visited online travel website. This study uses SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 18.0 to analyze the data. The study uses descriptive statistics analysis, reliability analysis, ANOVA, regression analysis and SEM to analyze the data. The study discovers that travel website content did affect customers’ perceived value. Besides, the customers’ perceived value and trust did affect their purchase intention. In addition, whether the consumer really purchase the travel good , as long as they trust the travel website content or have purchase intention , they would have the intention to recommend the travel website to their friends.
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