标题: 不同国籍旅客的偏好与台湾国际观光馆之成本效率
Tourist Preferences by Nationalities and Cost Efficiency of International Tourist Hotels in Taiwan
作者: 高立颖
Gao, Li-Ying
Hu, Jin-Li
关键字: 不同国籍旅客的来源;成本效率;国际观光旅馆;旅客偏好;旅游景点;nationality sources;cost efficiency;international tourist hotels;tourist preference;scenic spot
公开日期: 2010
摘要: 本篇研究欲了解何种国籍的旅客对旅馆的成本效率有正面的影响,并想找出这些不同国籍的旅客对旅馆的偏好是否有差异。本研究使用资料包络法(DEA)分析于1998年到2007年间台湾61间国际观光旅馆的成本效率,并找出影响成本效率的因素。首先我们找出不同国级的旅客对旅馆的成本效率有不同的影响,其中以亚洲包含中国、北美、台湾以及日本籍的旅客对国际观光旅馆的成本效率有显着且正向的影响。而华侨旅客则对成本效率有显着且负向的影响。其余国籍的旅客则对成本效率无显着影响。
This thesis analyzes the effects of tourist nationality sources on international hotel cost efficiency in Taiwan. The factors affecting the tourist choice of a hotel are also analyzed. The data envelopment analysis (DEA) approach is used to compute cost efficiency scores of 61 international tourist hotels in Taiwan during 1998–2007. The numbers of Asian, North American, Taiwanese and Japanese tourists have significantly positive effects on cost efficiency. In addition, the number of Overseas Chinese has a negative effect on cost efficiency. The number of the rest of nationality tourists has no influence on cost efficiency. In average a tourist in Taiwan prefers a larger, older, and closer-to-airport hotel. The tourists from Asia including Mainland China prefer older and larger hotels. Domestic tourists prefer older, farther-to-airport, larger, and non-scenic-spot hotels. Larger scales and more scenic spots surrounding hotel significantly help attract Japanese tourists. The Chain system, the number of scenic spot surrounding hotels, and the rate of individual tourists can significantly improve the cost efficiency of international tourist hotels in Taiwan.