標題: 旅遊動機、遊後滿意度與忠誠度之研究-以不同出國旅遊方式為例
A study on the relationship among travel motivation, satisfaction and loyalty - A case of different travel modes
作者: 陳健銘
關鍵字: 旅遊方式;旅遊動機;遊後滿意度;忠誠度;自助旅行;travel mode;travel motivation;satisfaction;loyalty;independent travel
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 近年來,由於整體教育水平的提升、網路媒體的普及、廉價航空、青年旅舍等硬體設施的發展,讓出國旅行不再是件難事。過去,大多數人選擇參與旅行社所推出的套裝行程(跟團旅行),一切都交給旅行社安排;現在,有越來越多人選擇不同於套裝行程的旅遊方式,稱之為自助旅行。這種旅行方式受到許多年輕人的喜愛,在旅行後,他們也會透過文字、圖片將其旅遊心得、經驗分享在網路、相關書籍中,掀起一股自助旅行的風潮。本研究將旅遊方式分為跟團與自助兩類,從旅遊動機的角度切入,透過Pearce所提出的旅遊生涯階梯將動機由高至低區分為五個階層,試著去瞭解旅遊者選擇特定旅遊方式的原因,並且探討在不同旅遊方式之下,旅遊動機與遊後滿意度,以及旅遊方式忠誠度的關係。
因此,本研究針對三年內有出國觀光旅遊經驗的民眾進行問卷調查,有效樣本數為280份,並以SPSS17.0 統計軟體進行描述性統計與獨立樣本t檢定,配合AMOS 18.0 進行結構方程模式(SEM)的分析方法。
In recent years, it’s easy for Taiwanese to travel abroad because of the rise in average education level, rapid growth in accessibility to Internet, low airline fares and the availability of hostels in the world. In the past, most people bought the package tour from travel agencies in which they prepare everything for the whole trip. Yet, there are more and more people who prefer to choose a different way to travel called independent travel. After the trip, they share their experiences with other people by using words and photographs via the Internet and published books such as blogs and facebook. This has become very popular in the young generation. This study divides travel modes into two categories (package tour and independent travel), and uses Pearce’s travel career ladder to divide travel motivation into five constructs. The purpose of this study is to understand why travelers choose a specific travel modes and to investigate the relationship among travel motivation, satisfaction and loyalty.
Therefore, the object of this study is Taiwanese people who have travel experiences in the past three years. The survey sample is 280. Statistical software SPSS17.0 is used to analyze the survey samples. The results provide descriptive statistics and the independent t test. In addition, this study also uses AMOS 18.0 to process the structural equation model (SEM) method. The results of this study show that the two different travel modes have significant difference in the higher level of travel motivation, satisfaction and loyalty. Also, travel motivation has a positive and significant impact on satisfaction whereas satisfaction has a positive significant impact on loyalty. However, travel motivation does not have a significant impact on loyalty.


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