標題: 公共空間中的私領域:尺度變異下的公共性策略
Private Occupations In Public Domains: Public Strategies Confronting Scale Variation
作者: 徐宇亮
Hsu, Yu-Liang
Kung, Shu-Chang
關鍵字: 公共性;策略;尺度;系統;原型;材料;構成;public;strategy;scale;system;prototype;material;fabrication
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 公共性一直是討論建築及都市重要的議題,隨著建築的規模及尺度擴大,公共性議題的重要性也隨著增加。我認為巷弄空間是一個城市最迷人的地方,人們的生活與街道的之間的關係同時反映著不同民族的生活特性;特別在台灣,我們隨處可見大街小巷裡公、私領域之間相互佔據的有趣現象,這種曖昧的動態關係也反映出我們對於生活空間的態度。在這裡分別從三種不同的角度來探討公共空間中的私領域以及在尺度變異下的公共性策略。利用建築空間的提案、空間系統的研究以及材料與身體的感知來探討公共及私密之間的動態關係。包含了以下三個章節:(1) 最小與最大、(2) 系統與原型、(3) 材料與身體 (1) 最小與最大_ Minimum & Maximum 討論如何在有限的空間條件下創造最大的公共性;在保有使用者私密的同時,藉由分享公共使用的空間創造更好的空間品質以及使用者之間的交流互動。立體化傳統的巷弄空間,模糊公共及私密的界線,再現屬於台灣的巷弄生活。藉由研究與分析現有的集合住宅型態以及公共空間的比例,提出新的分配及使用策略達到更好的鄰里空間及生活環境;同時在面對不同的基地環境時因應基地條件及都市地景提出回應方式,進而有潛力發展套用在不同的基地。 (2) 系統與原型_ System & Prototype 討論空間的系統,並針對空間使用的機能及特性發展出適合的空間原型。藉由一系列對於自然界的系統研究與開口分析,轉化成為空間的模型,並因應特殊的機能使用需求發展成為空間的原型。系統的發展有助於專注地討論公共及私密的邏輯關係,創造更純粹的空間原型,同時具備因應使用需求而發展的潛力。 (3) 材料與身體_ Material & Body 討論材料與結構之間的關係,提出一個皮層與結構合為一體的新構成方式。進一步地利用材料及結構的特性創造出裝置與身體之間多層次關係。在作品中使用的PET塑膠材料在提供了結構強度的同時也提供了適當的穿透性,加上每個塑膠管不同的角度與深度,產生不同的透明度,讓使用者在裝置的內與外有著完全不同的空間經驗。不僅僅是對於材料的嘗試,以及生產製成方式的創新,同時對於使用者的行為及感知的介入,試圖以不同的尺度來討論公共與私密在不同層次上的關係。 藉由以上三的章節分別從不同的角度與尺度討論公共及私密的關係,試圖邏輯化及系統化這個我所一直關注的議題。部分的案子經過重新整理組織,以達到更清楚呈現議題的目的。藉由這些操作所要建構的並不是公共及私密之間那種非黑即白的二元關係,而是企圖捕捉公共及私密之間模糊、曖昧的灰色地帶,我認為這某種程度也反應出華人社會的民族特性及生活價值。
Public is an important topic in both architecture and urban field, along with the building size and scale expanding, the importance of public issues also increase. I think the street is a city's most attractive place, people's life and the relationship between the streets while reflecting the different ethnic characteristics of the life; especially in Taiwan, we can easily find interesting relationship between private and public, dynamic relationship also reflected in our living philosophy. I use three different aspects to explore the private space in public domains and scale variation of the public policy. The proposal uses building space, space system and selection of materials and the body's perception to explore the dynamic relationship between public and private. Contains the following three sections: (1) Minimum and Maximum, (2) System and Prototype, (3) Material and Body (1) Minimum & Maximum Discuss how the limited space conditions to create the largest public; by sharing the public use of space to create a better space quality and user interaction. Three-dimensionalize traditional street space, blur the line between public and private, represent belongs to Taiwan's street life. (2) System & Prototype Discuss the space of the system, and according to the function and characteristics of development of space used for spatial prototype. Through a series of system for nature study and opening analysis, into the space model, and with special function requirement become space prototype. System development contributes to focus on the discussion of public and private logic relations, to create a more purely spatial prototype, have at the same time because of should use demand and development potential. (3) Material & Body Discussion of the relationship between material and structure, put forward a cortex and structure for the integration of new components. Further use of materials and structural characteristics to create a device between the body and multi-level relations. In the works using PET plastic material in provides the structural strength at the same time with the appropriate penetrating, plus each plastic tubes with different angle and depth, produce different transparency, allowing users in the device inside and outside to have a completely different experience in space. Not just for materials and production means try, innovation, at the same time for the user's behavior and perception in different scales, attempts to discuss the public and the private at different levels of the relationship. According to the three chapters were discussed from different aspects and scale of public and private relationships, trying to logical and systematic I have been concerned about the issues. Some cases rearranged the organization more clearly presents the issues in order to achieve the purpose. By these operations is not to construct a binary relation between public and private kind of non-black and white, but an attempt to capture the vague, ambiguous gray area between public and private, I consider this a certain degree also reflect Chinese society, national identity and values of life.


  1. 750101.pdf

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