標題: 一設計者友善之材質設計系統
An Artist Friendly Material Design System
作者: 廖仁豪
Liao, Jen-Hao
Chuang, Jung-Hong
Lin, Wen-Chieh
關鍵字: 電腦圖學;材質設計;材質編輯;顯像;設計者友善;computer graphics;material design;material editing;rendering;artist friendly
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 材質設計在遊戲及動畫產業是很重要的議題。產生一複雜的材質通常需要花費很多的功夫及時間。材質設計的過程通常與美術人員及技術美術人員有關。儘管目前已有很多成功的材質編輯器,但在欠缺一直覺且足夠複雜的材質表示法及設計者友善之編輯工具下,設計一材質對於美術人員是非常困難的事情。基於一直覺的材質表示法,我們提出了一簡單的材質產生流程和材質設計系統。美術人員可以發揮他們的創意產生與現實中相似或甚至不存在的材質。
Material design is an important issue in game and animation industry. Creating an elaborate material often takes a lot of effort and time. Artists and technical artists are often involved in a material design process. Despite that there are already many successful material editors in presence, it is hard for artists to design a material on their own since current systems lack for an intuitive and sufficiently complicated material representation and an artist friendly editing system. We proposed a simple material creation flow and a material design system which are based on an intuitive material representation. Artists can bring their creativity into free play to create materials that are similar to materials in reality or even do not exist.


  1. 751101.pdf

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